Commenti disabilitati su SARS-CoV-2 = Emergency Investigational New Drugs only without alternatives. Ergo? December 22, 2020.

(I must repeat that I am not a doctor in medicine. However, I do take prof. Testart’s warning on the necessary role of citizens very seriously.)

This is what Le Monde writes on the subject for the EU:

« The fast-track schedule reduces the assessment time to less than 150 working days, while the standard schedule normally provides for 210 working days. For Pfizer’s vaccine, for example, data evaluation began on October 6, seventy-seven days ago. (…)

A conditional marketing authorization (MA) is valid for 12 months, renewable. It is issued when sufficient data on the efficacy and safety of a product addressing an unmet medical need are available, i.e., when it targets a disease for which there is no treatment. The immediate and proven benefit of the drug must outweigh the risks inherent in not having all the data generated over the long term. (…)

Once granted, the conditional marketing authorisation requires the laboratories concerned to submit additional data to the EMEA according to a precise timetable, in order to confirm the initially estimated benefit/risk ratio. Whether conditional or standard, a marketing authorisation issued by the European Commission is valid in all EU Member States. » (1)

Suppose that the treatments do exist and are capable of reducing the rate of hospitalisation and above all the rate of lethality – i.e., the ratio of number of Sars-CoV-2 death to the number of patients tested positive – to a very low level? (2) Then you could not legally authorise vaccines, especially dangerous RNAm vaccines rushed without proper procedure sand protocols, during the conventional 7 to 10 years or so, without incurring penal suits.

This is a serious point to question especially as Big Pharma and neo-Nietzschean neoliberal monetarist governments are prone to push aside low-cost generics to push new, costly and often insufficiently tested but patented drugs on the unsuspicious and un-empowered citizens. Remember what their great economic grand master Ludwig Mises said about public hospitals actually creating sickness which otherwise would be a simple matter of Will in a good eugenic social perspective. (3) The prohibition of efficient and non-costly repositioning of known unpatented molecules is the speculative market’s name of the game for Big Pharma and for the whole servile political class, too ready to kowtow to it.

But what if such treatments against Sars-CoV-2 do exist? And this in a context in which no one can guarantee the efficiency rate of vaccines against this virus, nor the fact that they can prevent the virus’ sickness as well as the contagion of oneself or of others? A context in which no one can guarantee that there will not be more variations or mutations of the Sars-CoV-2 virus that will be produced by the vaccines themselves, nor any cancerous developments or later transmission of genomic malformations through the gametes?

We already know that the variations of the virus do affect the amino acids of the Spike protein. This is now notoriously the case for the new British variant. In these conditions, once the virus makes it into the cell, despite the vaccines, no one can predict what will happen. If they pretend to do so they simply lie. I suppose that such evolution will depend of a quantitative threshold of information presented to the ribosome within the infected cell. Similarly, no one knows how the enzymes will behave, and that is key for genetic inverse transcription.

We call citizens to questions why alternative treatments known to have a crucial effect in preventing death are systematically discarded or, worse still, unscientifically declared « venomous » in some countries.

We know about the efficiency of the medical protocol using hydroxychloroquine administered together with azithromycine from the earliest symptoms. The same protocol is shown to lower the hospital stays of patients and additionally to lower the lethality rte in the intensive care units. The evidence is no longer under discussion as demonstrated here : , and more recently here : .

Furthermore a study shows without doubt that the discarding of this protocol is highly correlated to the conflict of interests of the « scientists » or « scientific organizations » disparaging it. (4)

A persuasive argument is made for ivermectine by a large group of doctors many operating in the intensive care units. (5)

Aside from Cuban interferon, we also know about other possible useful drug candidates can be highly useful. We know from informed quarters that are also questioning the suspicious behavior of the American FDA, of which we all know that it has recently been subjected to heavy and unprecedented pressures by the defeated Trump Administration. (6)

This might explain the totalitarian intimidation and bullying behavior of some organisations and of their leaders against the exemplary professors Raoult and Perronne who have so far done the work required by their profession and by their Hippocratic Oath to the perfection, including in their duty, as researchers and as citizens, to share their scientific results with the Community to keep it informed. (7)

Their detractors will probably be brought to justice for wrongful intimidation and defamation and for placing the lives of citizens in danger. Hopefully, they will also be the object of class actions and of other legal initiatives by citizens and groups of citizens for the same reasons. This applies most certainly to the organisations and doctors who kept prescribing remdesivir even as the whole Community already had news about its un-usefulness against the Sars-CoV-2 and about the serious side effects it produced on the kidneys of the patients who were subjected to it. How many doctors and institutions did receive money from Gilead or were encouraged by it to prescribe it ? This needs to be publicly known.

Again all doctors should clearly specify publicly their conflict of interests to the Community and to the citizens they pretend to treat in order to preserve their scientific and medical credibility.

We are therefore entitled to think that under these circumstance the unproven and rushed RNAm vaccines are part of an illegitimate and probably illegal mass experiment. We hope that patients’ associations as well as various unions of health-care workers and personnel and others consumers’ organisations, including individuals, will go to court to clarify the issue. We also hope that there will be an independent monitoring of the behavior of these rushed Sars-CoV-2 vaccines in the following weeks and months, and years, especially the potentially dangerous RNAm vaccines.

No one, nationally or internationally, is entitled to mess around with the Human genome just to further the profits of Big Pharma. There are already ludicrous talks about injecting two such vaccines to a single person in order to increase the non-lasting immunity response and probably some people are already contemplating to subject people to many such vaccines in a single year due to the rapid variations and mutations. This virus does not behave like the seasonal flu, hence one shot a year will not be enough even if the vaccines were to work. Furthermore, it is general knowledge that, on average, the efficiency of vaccines diminished importantly – 10 % ? – with each decade in the life of a person. The proposed vaccines were tested on cohorts mostly aged from 18 to 55 years …

Known and efficient treatments should not be disregarded peremptorily without any good scientific reasons. Doctors cannot be pressured in their dealing with their patients, of course with their patients’ consents, as long as they respect their Hippocratic Oath.

Citizens must also demand all the pertinent information about the pandemic. Modern citizens are very well educated and above all they have the democratic right to know. We cannot be treated with contradictory information about masks, Rt, contagion rate, changing social distancing measures and the like, which all seem to be emanating from the same parroted blueprint in the West – Event 201, Jacques Attali and friends? (8).

We cannot be told vaguely about alleged first, second and third waves because this is meaningless if we are not told about the genomic sequencing of variants and their specific Bell curves, especially the variants that are locally dominant. The technique of the Marins pompiers of Marseille which detects the virus’s variants in the sewers, should be emulated because it seems to provide a useful picture of the evolution of the virus one week before it is noticed through the molecular tests. This is a precious information if one were serious about adopting pertinent measures to protect the population. We also need to know about the rate of re-infections and the behavior of the virus in such instances. One easily understands that the issue of re-infection is a very serious one particularly when we are discussing the use of vaccines against a rapidly changing virus, the more so with the currently rushed vaccines which – as Pfizer said in its Report – are based on initial Sars-CoV-2 strains, that is to say on strains that are no longer present today among the infected population … –

Paul De Marco, former professor of International Relations – International Political Economy.

1 ) Vaccins : en quoi les procédures d’autorisation d’urgence consistent-elles ?,L’Agence européenne du médicament a donné son feu vert lundi au vaccin du duo Pfizer-BioNTech, après une procédure accélérée. , Par Gary Dagorn , Publié hier à 16h41, mis à jour hier à 17h20 (My translation)

2 ) You can readily calculate the lethality rates from the statistics provided here or in similar sites: These rates do change. I had updated them for May and August 2020 in See also . Note in particular the difference in the lethality rates of the the Western countries as compared with China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Senegal, Kerala … and New Zealand, etc … This tells you all: private health-care kills. See also The Body economic: Why austerity kills, in ReviewsFrame1Source1.htm#thebodyeconomic (

3 ) Here is the Note 11 of my essay on Health-care « 11 ) See von Mises Socialism The fascist Jewish-Austrian von Mises says that the public health system creates illnesses which otherwise is just a matter of psychological and Willpower. (p 475-476 etc.) In fact, with a life expectancy of around 40 years, half a billion Dalits comrades in India do not have the luxury of being able to get sick … Today in the West, von Mises’ rabbinic-Nietzschean disciples do their best to abolish illnesses by abolishing public health-care !!! For von Mises, any kind of State interventionism was considered a form of socialism, including the efficient German war planning during the First World War, in addition to Keynesianism and economic regulation-regulation theories. » in

4 ) See BILAN 2020, See in particular at 8:57 mn.

5 ) On ivermectine. Dr Pierre Kory : “nous avons un traitement qui marche !”, •12 dic 2020, .

Apparently this drug repositioning was proposed by an Italian team who did not get the necessary financing to patent it !!! See: . This in Italy, the country of servile and over-represented pitres, which now is the champion of the EU for the number of Sars-CoV-2 death, a country which does not minimally respect the Rule of Law – this explain that? – as demonstrated by the preposterous negation of my rights detailed in the Home page of this same site.

6 ) FDA Should Restore Doctors Rights to Use Medicines That Work , by chessmaster, Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020 – 4:39, . Note in particular the graph that provides the cost of one day hospitalisation which is around 50 000 dollars a day and more … In a context of national austerity cuts imposed to public-care services, even in the mist of the Sars-CoV-2 crisis, would that be a useful information to consider?

7 ) Les professeurs Raoult et Perronne visés par une plainte de l’ordre des médecins pour leurs propos sur le Covid-19, Le conseil national s’associe à l’action lancée en octobre dans les Bouches-du-Rhône contre Didier Raoult, visé notamment pour « charlatanisme ». Christian Perronne a, lui, été démis de ses fonctions de chef de service par l’AP-HP à la suite de déclarations polémiques.

Le Monde avec AFP , Publié aujourd’hui à 00h47, mis à jour à 09h58

8 ) On Jacques Attali’s theorising the usefulness of a great health-crisis in order to reform society and transfer the power of democratic governments to the US Army, see : especially at 15:18 mn. He had already said something of the kind in 2011. As for the Bill Gates, the Davos Forum and John Hopkins Event 201 see : . Anyone who has attended a North American University knows that such simulations are not just didactic plays; instead, they serve to test hypotheses on the behavior and responses of the participants then critically extrapolated to the general population. Such events then lead to studies that, one way or another, do inform the blueprints that are then used and parroted by almost all the administrations, at least in the Western World, now drifting toward a« soft » form of totalitarianism.

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