Commenti disabilitati su SARS-CoV-2: Signs of the time. Venezuelans have chosen Socialism and Public Health-Care over philo-Semite Nietzschean neoliberal barbarism, January 23, 2021.

(Why don’t the government’s, the Parliamentarians and High officers of the Army and the Police and Judges and Doctors, who actively push for the gene therapy pseudo-vaccines get priority just to be irreproachable while making sure that the injections are done with the vaccines and not salt-water? Why do they sacrificed seniors and persons at risk first busily denying rapid generic and efficient treatments?

Without negligent or criminal governments – you be the judge – we could have normal access to Raoult’s protocol for less than 13.00 Euros or Ivermectin for $ 45.00 and there would be no pandemics. And no destructive social and economic lockdowns. )

1 ) « Thousands of Venezuelan migrants return home as Colombia lockdown brings tough choices », ‘Everything went downhill after the quarantine.’, Bram Ebus,

2 ) « Venezuelan government: ‘Thousands’ of migrants want to come back », The government of President Nicolas Maduro said Venezuelan migrants were answering his call to “stop cleaning toilets abroad” and come back home. Maduro has branded the regional refugee crisis a “right-wing campaign.” ,

Quotes : « The Venezuelan government said on Wednesday that it had received thousands of requests from Venezuelans seeking to return home from abroad. Caracas lashed out at “xenophobic campaigns” against Venezuelans migrants in Latin America. (…)

“Stop cleaning toilets abroad and come back to live in your homeland,” Maduro said. According to Minister Rodriguez, Venezuelans are now heeding this call.»

3 ) Background on the origin of the dominant neo-fascist thinking on health-care and the management of the pandemic planned to serve the interests of Big Pharma:

a ) See Note 8 of the essay « HEALTH-CARE BETWEEN CUTS AND CORRUPTION = a victim of choice for neoliberal and monetarist fiscal federalism. May, 2016 (Translated April 6, 2020) »,

b ) « DOVERE DI MEMORIA: COSA INTENDO CON IL TERMINE « FILOSEMITA NIETZSCHIANO »», ( It is short and to the point. You can use the deepl translator )

4 ) Updates on the SARS-CoV-2 front: (for more detailed analysis see: « SARS-CoV-2. Why are the adverse effects of mRNA gene therapies given as « vaccines » hidden? The public needs to know. January 20, 2021.», as well as the other posts in the Categoria Sanità of this same site, or in English in the Categoria « Another America is possible » )

4 a ) We now are told that the UK mutation is already known to be anywhere from 30 % to 70 % more contagious and that it can also be more lethal. Note that mutatis mutandis a more contagious variant of the virus causes more death. That is, up until the cohorts at risk – over 65 and with co-morbidity for the most – will have died. As Corneille’s Le Cid said , it comes a point where fatally « Le combat cessa faute de combattants » …

See « Covid-19 : le variant britannique pourrait être plus létal, prévient Londres », Le premier ministre Boris Johnson a déclaré, vendredi, en s’appuyant sur des études, que la mortalité engendrée par le virus mutant pourrait être de 30 % à 40 % plus élevée que celle liée à la souche originelle. ,Par Cécile Ducourtieux(Londres, correspondante) , Publié hier à 22h15, mis à jour à 11h08

As this variant and the South-African one is probably evading the gene therapy vaccines thus causing even more contagious and lethal variants, this purely neo-Burkean and philo-Semite Nietzschena management of the crisis amounts, at least in my opinion, to active eugenicist policies and euthanasia. We know now that remdesivir already know to be detrimental to the kidneys is also mutagenic, a fact that together with the presence of immunocompromised patients might have induced the UK variant.

4 b ) The possibility of reinfection though minimized is confirmed just as one can expect although we still do not know about the effects of the pseudo-vaccines on new variants such as the UK and South-African variants. The later might very well have emerged from pseudo-vaccine experiment conducted in that country without properly informing the persons involved: this should be checked quickly and made public given that it would answer a crucial point about the efficiency of this ill-conceived gene therapies before dangerously jabbing too many unsuspecting guinea pigs, beg your pardon, citizens.

We are told that: « According to a report in Nature, researchers observed that the likelihood of becoming infected is 33% lower within two weeks of the first injection, based on a comparison of 200,000 vaccinated people over the age of 60 and 200,000 people who received no dose. » in « Covid, i primi effetti del vaccine » ,

4 c ) This reinfection risk is not ruled out with the second shot, even making abstraction of the new variants. Nevertheless, the strategy seems to inoculate the maximum of citizens treated like useful guinea pigs with the first shot, thus dangerously postponing the second shot to 42 days while 21-22 days is right interval specified by the manufacturers? As you know Alain Fisher, who should know given his genetic experimentations, is on public record on that very precise point … See: » Covid-19 : la Haute Autorité de santé recommande de décaler le rappel vaccinal à 42 jours », Face aux tensions sur la production et à la progression de l’épidémie, la HAS estime qu’il faut accélérer la vaccination des plus vulnérables. Le ministère de la santé préconise jusqu’ici un délai de 28 jours entre les deux doses.

Par Elisabeth Pineau , Publié aujourd’hui à 09h44, mis à jour à 09h50

4 d ) Pretty soon you will have to stop talking. This is no joke!!! This goes much further than just braking the « rising expectations of citizens ». As for masks, it is recognised that they should be changed every 4 hours, but the governments refuse to distribute them freely. A French proverb says : « Le ridicule tue »; but, obviously, this is untrue at a certain chutzpah level, you then get a change in nature rather than in degree, It is a totally different universe. Therefore, you can expect much worse in the days and months to come. In fact, at the same time, this carefully managed pandemic goes nicely hand-in- hand with liberticidal security laws.

See : « Covid-19 en France : l’Académie nationale de médecine recommande d’éviter de parler et téléphoner dans les transports en commun» , L’Académie rappelle également que le masque doit être porté en permanence dans l’espace public, même quand la distanciation physique devient supérieure à 1 mètre. , Le Monde avec AFP .Publié aujourd’hui à 06h27, mis à jour à 15h21

5 ) One box of Plaquénil – the hydoxychloroquine as sold in France – is good for a week treatment that eliminates the viral load in the great majority of cases tested positive. The cost for a box of 30 tablets is 4.17 Euros. See ; add 8.45 Euros for 6 tablets of antibiotics azithromycin. See : .

Alternatively you could have 8 generic tablets of Ivermectin for $ 45.00:!

Conclusion, you could be safely treated – with your doctor’s help to avoid side-effects, that is, if s/he is courageous enough to respect the Hippocratic Oath against official criminal pressures – for a grand cost of : 12.62 Euros!!! On the efficiency of this treatment, see . If you are still dubious and do not trust exemplary China, Vietnam, Cuba, Kerala for sheer ideological reason just stick to the hard facts and compare the lethality rate – death/testes positive – in Marseille : , and in your own country:

But that would be detrimental to Big Pharma’s business. Hence, conflict of interest with Big Pharma are not made public especially not by the members of our Western Scientific committees, and we get ridiculous lockdowns. These are no real lockdowns because they are meant to last forever without real treatments, except for dangerous and in the end inefficient gene therapies that will induce more contagious and more lethal variants of the Sars-C0V-2 at a higher rate and with a wide geographic dispersion, contrary to the the seasonal flu, at least in our hemisphere.


Economics is the social science that deals with the production, exchange and realisation of goods and services necessary to ensure the livelihood – Polanyi – of the Community, its economic, social and cultural life. The allocation of the available resources of the Community for the benefit of the Community can and often is class and cast oriented but it, per force, needs to be embedded – to use a term – in the Community itself. Contrary to what Ms Thatcher said, society not only does exist but it is the vital basis for the livelihood of each and every individuals who compose it. These individuals are part of a Human species over-determined by sexual reproduction hence by fulfilling social contacts.

The current lockdowns, are no real lockdowns, they only sacrifice workers, employees, students and family deemed to be part of priority activities that must go on no matter what, although they are all neatly kept at the bottom of the wage ladder. These lockdowns are not meant to allow mass testing followed by immediate generic and demonstrated efficient treatments. They are only meant to destroy society, starting with the seniors and the persons most at risk, just to sell gene therapies wrongfully given as vaccines, that can cause organ failures, leukemia, cancers etc and even cause mutation in your chromosomes that can later be transmitted to your progeny.

This looks to me like a pitric, cynical and lunatic March to the Midnight of philo-Semite Nietzschean transhumanism … It is still time to pause and reflect.

Paul De Marco, former professor of International Relations – «International Political Economy. Author of a Methodological introduction and of a Synopsis of Marxist Political Economy both freely accessible in my old Jurassic site

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