Commenti disabilitati su Synthesis on the genocidal Sars-CoV-2 abusive mass experimental vaccination campaign made possible by illegally ruling out efficient and low-cost generic drugs, July 25-31, 2021

(This synthesis is made available because Resistance is an urgent  collective duty.)

Among many other examples, one can check this on medical censorship. Dr. Pierre Kory was among the first to draw attention on ivermectin:  « FLCCC Weekly Update: July 21, 2021: Censorship by the Numbers » , 22 lug 2021, . At 36:57 = Check the incredible comparative number of deaths – ivermectin, remdesivir, covid-19 vaccines etc.

For one origin of the so-called green pass check this video at 34:20. What is next, nanoparticles tracing? « How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic | Bill Gates », 

See also ‘Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto’, Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24 )

And : Dr Mobeen « Vaccine Adverse Events in the US VAERS System » ,, At 39:15  Finally one analysis on the fertility and procreation issue. He looks at the risks for women under 50 … and men under 30 … It is even worse for American Indians and Alaskans

(I am not a doctor in medicine but a citizen who takes prof. Testart’s seriously when he advocates the involvement of citizens.)

Let me add that I am a relatively well informed pro-Vax. I have done all those that were compulsory in my youth. Much later, when the Public Manpower Office was privatised, I enrolled in a private agency as a laborer to check the working conditions. What I witness was the beginning of the precariousness disaster induced by neoliberalism and monetarism. Before I started work, I took the tetanus vaccine just in case I might step on a rusting nail. You can assess risks and benefits with real vaccines done according to scientific protocols and deontology, i.e.,  7 to 10 years. You cannot do so with pseudo-vaccines rushed in 3 months and with Phase 3 not ending before 2023. Nevertheless, they are offered as a cure whereas they only are experimental and illegally forced on you, including with the so-called Green pass, while negating you the choice of efficient alternative treatments. Current mRNA pseudo-vaccines are a dangerous gamble on the Human genome. They are illegal. Sanitary pass are strictly ultra vires and contravene the rights protected by the Council of Europe. Incredibly, though, we are now seeing that philo-Semite Nietzschean governments are pushing mRNA boosters on citizens of all ages even though these therapies will fatally prove to be as inefficient as the original jabs.

It should be emphasised that the matter goes far beyond vaccines. It is about substituting Reality with an « augmented and commercialised reality » in all domains. It is a Faustian-Mephistophelian attempt to control and merchandise Everything, not just norms, patents and intellectual property but also living and human cells, and, through the « continuum of surveillance» assisted by nudging, the Mind, privacy and intimacy of any and all citizens. The Covid-19 pseudo-vaccines are just the spearhead of this offensive under the guise of protecting the health of the people. It is, if you will, the last stage in the development of the perverse pathology of exclusivist and speculative capitalism. We should all fight against this degenerative trend or, at least, stay away as individuals and nations, from these dangerous pitres.)


A ) Efficiency. As expected (1) classical or mRNA pseudo-vaccines against Sars-CoV-2 simply do not work. Pfizer’s efficiency is already at 39 % and deteriorating. With less than 50 % efficiency vaccines would not be authorised. (2) The European Medical Association – EMA –  should immediately withdraw the experimental authorizations or become a main actor in the planned vaccination genocide now unfolding under our eyes. The European central institutions, Council, Commission, Parliament, Court must act with speed or share the guilt for active participation.

Statistics are always partly out of date. As the curve of the Delta variant goes to its peak, doubling apparently every 4 to 5 days, the situation will likely deteriorate further. There is a delay of a few weeks between the rise of the curve and the number of hospitalisations and again from hospitalisation to death. This is why the philo-Semite Nietzchean governments want to rush and blackmail people to complete vaccination as soon as possible. In a  few weeks the statistics would – and will – condemn them.    

Paradoxically, vaccinated citizens with a green pass will be put at a greater risk due to the false sense of protection that they will have because they are still susceptible to be contaminated and to contaminate others. (This is now confirmed by the CDC.) 

B ) 15 % more death on average from these rushed experimental pseudo-vaccines compared to previous vaccines done according to scientific methodology, deontology and medical ethics, namely in 7 or 10 years rather than in 3 months. Pfizer’s Phase 3 ends tentatively in January 31, 2023 only. The situation is similar for other anti-Covid « vaccines ».  The incredible average was confirmed by the CDC in a astounding mass media silence. Moreover, the peaks of the contamination curves were shown to be higher in the countries that were vaccinated most. (3) However we should always be carefull because the curve behaves differently with each variant.

C ) Protection. Vaccines against coronaviruses are based on variants known at the time of development and manufacturing. By definition they are useless as a protection against infection because they are powerless against new variants. We are seing this for all vaccines all over the World, be they classical or mRNA. This arms race for a cure is lost for Big Pharma, supposing that its main objective was to find a valid cure. It seems that the real objective is to modify the whole pharamceutical paradigm suppressing low-cost generics molecules and treatments in order to propose new mRNA and other genetic remedies and drugs. A lucrative business … This commercial capitalist approach attempts to colonise every economic, social and private domains.

C )  Protection vs criminal statistical manipulations. Pfizer made around $ 20 billion profits in 2020 thanks mainly to the virus. Other Big Pharma followed suite. More is expected with the boosters. Most members of Scientific Committees and government officials are full of conflicts of interest. You can expect venally biased statistics to maintain this lucrative business. Think of the tobacco case. (4) 

What manipulations? Vaccine efficiency is just not there. Hence, the line of defense is that the vaccines still offer some degree of protection. But that degree of protection is meaningless per se :

a ) if you do not compare with the situation before the vaccines, say before June  2020; (5 )

b ) if you do not take into consideration the dominance of specific variants and the rise of new ones; here, the already horrible statistics before the rise of the Delta variant are meaningless to describe the situation caused by this more contagious variant- some say 1260 times more and with a shorter incubation period. (6)  If the situation in t1 has changed importantly from the situation in t0, you cannot analyse t1 on the basis of detected trends and verified consequences in t0. Doing this is sheer ignorance or strait criminal manipulation, sometime both given the state of mostly private education these days.

c ) if you do not compare with the results obtained from other alternative treatments such as the protocol of prof. Raoult and ivermectin or plitidepsine  – used in Spain, some say with 99% success. (7) For instance, death for double dose vaccinated people was around 4.2 % in Italy before the rise of the Delta variant as against 0.8 % for the IHU of Marseille and prof. Raoult. The double dose protection is not really better than what was generally verified – outside of the Marseille IHU – in 2020 before the vaccination started.

Note that Sars-CoV-2 has more phases, probably 4 main phases, the two last being hospitalisation and intensive care. Today doctors know more about these phases – oxygen, anti-coagulants, steroids, intubations etc –  as well as about long-covid cases. They also know that, although the generic treatments should be administered since the earliest symptoms, they still demonstrate a positive function for the unfortunate minority who ends up in hospital. Their hospital stay is shorter and their death chances are significantly reduced. They know that when administered early under medical surveillance – with the right diagnostic and the right dosages – they play an unmatched role in preventing hospitalisation which, in the occurrence, is the best way to avoid the likelihood of death from Sars-CoV-2.

D ) Vaccines do not protect but do cause variants. It would be dictatorially criminal to insist on vaccines and on so-called Green pass or even on non public and merchandised tracking apps. Many top experts in the field have alerted to the fact that coronaviruses are champions at recombination and in the evolution survival game against natural or artificial antibodies. (8) Moreover, it seems that gain functions cannot be neglected and even less the patented delocalisation of the furin which make the recombination potential much more powerful. (9)  

E ) Vaccine boosters are criminal and senseless under the circumstances. They will cause more deaths and side-effects compared to normal vaccines, they will not protect against inevitable new variants and they will induce more variants.  They have no rational whatsoever. Except, of course, as the politics of drug pushers imposed on democratic regimes destroyed from within by the new « return » philo-Semite Nietzscheism.  The main objective is  the return to a society of new domesticity and new slavery. (10) This can be seen by the instrumental use of the health-crisis – Jacques Attali, Gates’s Event 201 etc – to push through a permanent totalitarian Emergency State, complete with a new Apartheid – the Council of Europe forbids the discrimination of non-vaccinated citizens – remorselessly  imposed through an otherwise useless sanitary pass. (11) There is a neo-Nietzschean March to the Midnight of an overall pervasive and intrusive surveillance regime without any checks and balances. 

F ) Viral interference. Vaccines cause the body to react to create antibodies. During this lapse of time the body is under stress. Viral interference together with the known data on the syndemics – co-morbidities – and on the new variants go a long way to explain the statistics relative to levels of contagiousness both for non-vaccinated and for the first dose and second dose cohorts. The same applies to the numbers on average death –compared to normal vaccines – and for the comparatively high number of short term side-effects. 

G ) Viral interference and dangerous vaccination during a pandemics. Two or three years ago doctors preaching full vaccination campaign in the midst of a pandemics would have been radiated for the College of doctors. We are living in an age of induced mass irrationality, whose origin was pointed to in Note 11 mentioned above.

H ) Vaccine without previous full diagnostic – and needles without proper aspiration. (12) Mass vaccination is therefore unsafe.

I ) Sars-CoV-2 vaccines are experimental which means that citizens must be fully informed before taking the vaccine. They are not and especially not for mRNA vaccines. Some ignorant so-called experts were even heard negating the inverse transcriptase process. This is therefore a penal matter. Especially as these vaccines are proven inefficient and the same people in charge speak of boosters.  

J ) The medium and long-term impact of mRNA vaccines will be dramatic for the Human genome and for the expected deterioration of the general epidemiologic situation.

J a ) The inverse transcriptase process. With the present scientific knowledge not one has any right to play with the inverse transcriptase process. No one can play with the Human genome. At least not before extensive and verified data is available. It is neither legal nor legittimate to gather such data through mass experiments which transform entire populations in trusting but fooled guinea pigs. We can already affirm this intolerable adverse trend by a simple extrapolation from know genetic therapies so far – some 4000 plus those conducted by Alain Fischer. The real results of the ongoing experiments are unknown but the expectations are not. Can they be washed away with the argument that citizens can be sacrificed to help science progress? It cannot be, especially not in the medical field and in a context in which patients are not fully informed or, in any case, for the majority among them, who is not really able to assess the real risks. They trust government. (13 ) No one is entitled to transform whole Nations into Islands of dr. Moreau Medicine is not about purposefully creating sicknesses just to cure them afterwards and make profit in so doing, as Henry Gadsden, the manager of Merck advocated – see « Pour vendre des médicaments, inventons des maladies » in .  Most soberly, without any provocation, let me paraphrase a question which is unfortunately not asked today : « Does Medicine exist after Auschwitz? »

J b) Among feared consequences we are told to consider the Sars-CoV-2 Spike itself. It is said to be toxic and to remain in the body, something which should be carefully investigated. As we know the pseudo-vaccines rely on the Spike protein and the mRNA vaccines are engineered to duplicate it. It apparently does not stay in the arm where one get the jab.  Similarly an Italian study pointed to lipid nanoparticles found – albeit in small doses – in breast tissues.

See this impressive article : « Unthinkable Thoughts… », by Tyler Durden,  Sunday, Jun 06, 2021 – 09:30 PM,  Authored by Josh Mitteldorf,

See on the possible relationship between the Spike and clots : « German Scientist Discovers What Causes Rare Blood Clots In Some AstraZeneca Jab Recipients », by Tyler Durden, Friday, May 28, 2021 – 05:45 AM,

See  Dr. Paul Marik Discusses Latest Trends In COVID Management , Important video. For instance, Prof. Marik insists on the complex aspects of Sars-CoV-2 illnesses and confirms the high toxicity of the Spike protein. Early treatment seems to be the key.

At 1:08:59 Dr Marik speaks of massive distribution of ivermectin, melatonin, Vitamin D and aspirin in India, Mexico, Chili … We know also from French doctors that ivermectin flattened the Delta curve in 4 to 5 weeks in highly populated  Uttar Pradesh.

K ) These experimental vaccines were conditionally authorised with the false pretext that no alternative do exist whereas these alternative do exist, such as hydroxychloroquine plus azitromycin and ivermectin, among others. These generic drugs were illegally and un-scientifically denied to the population in many Western Countries, which is a premeditated crime. The authorisation of these pseudo-vaccine was therefore abusive and should be quickly withdrawn. (14 ) 

L ) The abusive experimental authorisation went hand-in-hand with opaque contracts with Big Pharma, for instance by the EU. And with an abusive protection against penal liabilities for the expected consequences of these rushed vaccines. (15) (Added July 31, 2021. The cost of production of these vaccine is around $1.20. Pfizer and Moderna received some 8 billion in public money to develop them. They are now over-charging the EU to the tune of 41 billion over the production cost.  See: El oligopolio farmacéutico multiplica por 5 los costes de la vacuna contra la COVID-19, Por Dani Domínguez | 30/07/2021 |,Fuentes: La Marea

M ) Tracking devices are functionally useless for their task, dangerous for privacy when private and paradoxical when confronted with more contagious variants. (16)   

N ) The purpose of the green or sanitary pass is only to exercise illegal blackmail to force rational unvaccinated people to submit to the inefficient illegal and criminal rushed pseudo-vaccines. By definition, there can be no obligation and no discrimination for the non-participation in experimental campaigns.  This is part of the Big Pharma and governments drug pushers’ strategy aimed at:

a ) forcing the whole population to expose itself to these dangerous therapies and then to more dangerous boosters which will multiply the inverse transcription risks of mRNA pseudo-vaccines;

b ) eliminating unvaccinated control groups which would naturally statistically prove the inefficiency of these pseudo-vaccines, while current leaders abundantly talk about randomised studies; criminals are known to erase the traces of their crimes and more experienced ones go as far as to artificially create narratives to usurp memory and rationally based thinking. They wrongly and dangerously believe that their narrations can substitute Reality, but the latter always prevails. And, in the end, always presenting the same price as History and Shakespear teach us.

c ) forcing everyone to comply in order to push through the neoliberal and philo-Semite Nietzschean reforms aimed at the forced return to a society of new domesticity and new slavery. The pitric president Macron and his by now illegitimate government are pushing through a new Censitarian democracy: if you do not submit to the vaccine to get a green pass, you can be laidoff and you simply cannot vote any longer! If this trend continues pretty soon the vote might be restricted to those lucky shareholders invested in Big Pharma, who knows? Talk about chutzpah!

O ) Non-compliance with this health crime means social and work exclusion. The Left and the unions have still to realise what this means in the context of the unemployment bloodbath that will follow the end of the emergency aid and bailouts as well as the end of the ban on layoffs. Are they blind?

Meanwhile and predictably new cuts in hospital beds are implemented and the privatisation of public pension regime, health-care and IU payments continues alongside linear cuts.

(On the dismantling of the labor contract see : 

On the dismantling of the public health-care system see: )

P ) Vaccinating young people with these inefficient and dangerous pseudo-vaccine is a double crime. First because under 65 especially with no co-morbidities there is a very minimal risk and, in fact, almost no risk at all with a proper level of zinc and Vitamins D and C intakes and with immediate access to efficient generics in case of contagion. The same applies to older cohorts who are definitively not protected by these dangerous vaccines, as was underlined above. Classic vaccines too are inefficient and do cause variants. But mRNA vaccines will have an effect on the human genome. Preliminary Phase 3 studies have urged to use of strong contraceptives before vaccination, which is a recognition of the possible adverse effect on fertility. Young people have already been deprived of two years of decent life and of two years of schooling, something that never happened before in modern societies. Now they are pressured, including by the odious induction of a sense of guilt, to put their genome and that of their progenity in danger. Their vaccinated parents and grandparents are not protected by the vaccines. That will not change if you vaccinate the young people because the pseudo-vaccines do not prevent contagion either of oneself or of others. To protect young and older people alike efficient generics should be used. They will reduce the hospitalisation and death to a minimum. This is because, unlike the pseudo-vaccines, they reduce the viral load in a few days, hence blocking the transmission and insuring the return to good health of most patients. The average age of death is around 80-year …  

Q ) We hear crazy talks of imposing masks on two-year old babies! No doubt to have enough guinea pigs to analyse the effect on the transmission of knowledge through sygomatic muscles and other medium aside from speech!!! Lucien Malson, the author of the book Les enfants sauvages and the good doctor Jean Itard would be horrified. This is plainly evil.

R ) The badly managed health-crisis is producing over-mortality among non-Covid-19 patients that are deprogrammed. Add the fact that untold psychic problems, inflicted on the most vulnerable parts of the population, are not even properly reported by the media.  

S ) The badly managed health-crisis is destroying our economies and our democracy. In 2009 and 2011 J. Attali advocated a health crisis to help reform our societies and place their economy and government under control of the US Army – New Cold War and new Cocom?. Those who are not acquainted with this pitre might have thought that the proposal was lunatic at best. But now, with the evidence under our eyes?

T ) In such a syndemics we do not need  a free-for-all just to keep businesses open nor do we need useless and ineffective totalitarian measures such as sanitary or green pass. Common sense in the respect of known facts works best. For instance, some social distancing, masks in non ventilated rooms, hands-washing etc,  especially if people were guaranteed access to efficient generic drugs in accord with their doctor. In the classroom the Chinese have used with great efficiency the precautions above plus automatic fever detection at the entrance and germs and viruses eliminating ultra-violets lamps when the classrooms were empty.

At Wuhan they demonstrated the incredible efficiency of full local or targeted lockdowns for short durations coupled with early treatments, free public health-care and strong public logistic support for quarantine people. With such a strategy, one only needs to stay alert domestically and to properly test people entering the country. Counting on determined public actions placing human health and dignity first, instead of Big Pharma profits and regressive socio-economic and cultural agendas, they did ride the health crisis with relative ease. No trans-humanist pathology poisoned their mind. Public-planning and public credit ensured a quick economic recovery. Indeed, despite the heath and economic crisis, China was able to complete in due time its national campaign of eradication of absolute poverty. Again, early treatment is the key. It can be verified easily were you to compare Sars-CoV-2 deaths in the philo-Semite Nietzschean West with China, Vietnam, Cuba, Kerala, Chiapas etc. ( see )  

With new viruses and unknown sicknesses, the right attitude must be to permanently learn from the facts: doctors and the general public know more about Sars-CoV-2 now than they did in early 2020.

Public research should be rehabilitated together with proper scientific methodology, proper scientific deontology and Ethical codes. Conflict of interests should be rigorously prohibited by law. No research should interfere with the Human genome which means no chimeras and no trans-humanism. Research protocols should be very strict on these matters. ( We discussed the matter briefly the section « Devenir historique de l’espèce humaine et principe de précaution »  in my essay « Mariage, unions civiles et institutionnalisation des moeurs. »  in . Use the keyword   to go rapidly to the  pertinent paragraphs. If needed use the deepl online translation.) The bioethics law has been recently changed in France opening doors on chimeras and other experiments with human cells; it seems unfortunate.

The Sars-CoV-2 crisis should provide the opportunity to negotiate a better bio-weapons treaty including intrusive and unannounced controls of High level laboratories. This is urgent. The same applies to all other control of armament treaties.

A return to Reason and common sense should prevail.

U ) While waiting for Parliaments and constitutional courts to act, we urge the constitution of a Russell International Tribunal on the matter in preparation for a collective recourse to the Penal International Court at Rome.

I personally believe that the conditional authorisations for these rushed pseudo-vaccines complete with legal de-penalisation of pharmaceutical compagnies were abusive. This is  because real efficient, though illegally and un-scientifically suppressed, treatment alternatives were known to exist as early as February and March 2020. Hence, the whole matter looks like a calculated genocidal experiment. With the silly excuse of free vaccine patents some people propose to induce and accelerate the vaccination of the whole World exactly as B. Gates wished. Apparently developing countries should not insist on providing running water, food, health-care and public services to their populations but instead they should treat them nicely with pseudo-vaccines,  mRNA preferably, and their successive and never ending boosters!!! You know, it does not matter if the « vaccines » are a failure, if a African or an Asian is not vaccinated, we are all in danger, right? Idem for the recalcitrant Westerners … How lunatic can some people get?

Free patents should be part of a modern Public Pharma Care policy, but this does not apply to rushed therapies particularly rushed mRNA genetic therapies. This will be even more the case if the inefficiency and dangerousness of these pseudo-vaccines are recognised which would lead to their immediate withdrawal, in particular mRNA vaccines. mRNA boosters will only multiply the reverse transcriptase risks and cause even more dangerous variants.  Does it sounds like a lucrative business proposal …?

Paul De Marco, former professor of International Relations – International Political Economy.


(Most reference are already mentioned in this link : SARS-CoV-2 : BRÈVES/FLASH NEWS/BREVE, in: )

1 ) See, for instance, what the Australian expert prof. Frazer had to say on the subject. All those who knew what a virus is were concurring from the beginning. Events are proving them right. See : « We’ve never made a successful vaccine for a coronavirus before. This is why it’s so difficult »,

ABC Health & Wellbeing, By Jo Khan for the Health Report

2 ) At an early stage in the Delta variant curve we are told that the efficiency for Pfizer is 39 % in Israel,  one of the most vaccinated country. But statistics are always partly out of date. As the curve for the Delta variant goes to its peak, doubling apparently every 4 to 5 days, the situation will likely deteriorate further. There is a delay of a few weeks between the rise of the curve and the number of hospitalisations and again from hospitalisation to death. This is why the philo-Semite Nietzchean governments want to rush and blackmail people to complete vaccination. In a  few weeks the statistics would – and will – condemn them. If anyone pretends that the pseudo-vaccines are efficient, they must say compared to what. So far, we know for certain that it is not true compared to early treatments because these treatments reduce the percentage of death and eliminate, almost by definition, the benign and sever symptoms scale although more need to be known about long-covid effects even within these groups. So far it seems that if you count the deaths induced by these rushed vaccines as compared to normal vaccines, they do worse or sensibly similar than was the case without vaccines and without early treatments.  

See the reasoning in detail in Annex 1 below.

3 )  « What The CDC’s VAERS Database Reveals About “Adverse” Post-Vaccine Reactions »  by Tyler Durden, Sunday, Apr 18, 2021 – 10:50 PM, Authored by Megan Redshaw via,,

You are encouraged to take a look at the data provided in the link. It is confirmed that the mortality rate for those vaccinated in the US is : 3.81 %. Geneticist Henrion-Caude had already given the statistic adding that the normal rate for normal vaccines is 0.2 % or 0.3 % . She also pointed out early that the peak were higher in countries with a higher rate of vaccination such as the UK, Israel, the Emirates …

As for side effects, they are more important than usual. This too is confirmed by the CDC. See – English with translation – « Bénéfices et risques de la vaccination COVID», . , In this video, Dr. Carole Cassagne, MCU-PH AP-HM. At 13:32, highlights the strange conclusion of a study that states: “we have to accept 4 deaths due to side effects and 16 serious side effects to save the lives of 2 to 11 people per 100,000 vaccinations”.

4 ) See for instance « The Tobacco Conspiracy – Documentary » , .

When research is not public, troubles lie fatally ahead, many research projects are likely to be tailored made to serve private interests who call the tunes. One perfect example is that of prof. Séralini who, in my knowledge, was the first to do long-term research on the toxicity of GMO and pesticides. He was thus able to call attention on endocrine disruptors. Before him most studies were short and often very short term, thus largely ignoring the impact of pollutants. This was due, in particular, to the very short life cycle of bacteria, insects etc., hence their ability to adapt quickly. Today no one questions the existence of these disruptors.    

5 ) Situation before June 2020. See : Coronavirus : au cœur de la bataille immunitaire contre le virus,   Par Gary Dagorn et Agathe Dahyot ,Publié le 12 juin 2020 à 12h42 – Mis à jour le 15 juin 2020 à 10h59,

Décryptages« Le Monde » a reconstitué la façon dont ce virus, le SARS-CoV-2, prend principalement place dans l’organisme, et pourquoi il est redoutable chez certains patients.

« Completely unknown six months ago, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has spread to five continents and virtually every country in the world, causing a pandemic that is all the more difficult to control because scientists knew almost nothing about this new animal-based virus.

The seventh known coronavirus to infect humans, SARS-CoV-2 is the virus responsible for Covid-19, a respiratory disease that is mild in at least 80% of cases, but highly symptomatic in 15% of patients and very severe in 5%. » (translated)

6 ) For the situation before and after Delta variant see Annex 1.

7 ) For the situation compared to IHU or other experiences such as Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Chiapas, China, Cuba, Viet Nam etc. See also: 𝗣𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗾𝘂𝗼𝗶 𝘂𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗹 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻��𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗮 𝗣𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗽𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲 ?, 9 lug 2021

8 ) For profs. Raoult and Vélot on «  pression de sélection » and recombinants. See Annex 2 below for details.

8 a ) Prof. Raoult «: « Effet des vaccins & Corruption », »

8 b )”Ne faisons pas un remède pire que le mal” : l’entretien essentiel, avec Christian Vélot, 30 giu 2021,

9 ) Prof. Henrion-Caude on the furin patent and Harvard on the gain function

Here is an article that proposes important hypotheses that, in my opinion, should not be ignored. The role of furin is emphasized. Attention is drawn to the possible role of the Spike protein in causing distant side effects on various organs and functions of the human body, including fertility. This knowing that all pseudo-vaccines, both those with mRNA and the more traditional ones, are based on this very protein … the article denounces the tampering on the research that prevents real scientific investigation when it goes against the government strategy in phase with the profits of Big Pharma. See:  « Unthinkable Thoughts… », by Tyler Durden,  Sunday, Jun 06, 2021 – 09:30 PM,  Authored by Josh Mitteldorf,  (si può usare il traduttore online )

On the furin, including the patent, and on the intolerable censorship against the great geneticist  A Henrion-Caude, see : « Censure d’Alexandra Henrion-Caude par Wikipédia.», •31 mag 2021,

See also: « Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19) »  Posted on January 31, 2020March 21, 2020 by harvard2thebighouse

It should be underlined that there were more than 10 000 deaths from non-investigated « strange pneumonia » cases at Fort Detrick before its closure in July-August 2019. Military games involving the US were held at Wuhan in September 2019. Such strange pneumonia were officially reported in Italy, a country with more US military bases than provinces, in Autumn-Winter 2019 before the first case was reported in China. China published its first sequence of the Sars-CoV-2 early January 2020 making it immediately available to the whole international community.   

10 ) On the return of the new philo-Semite Nietzscheism see for instance a ) « Nietzsche as an awakened nightmare » and « Heidegger or the ultimate corruption of the Human soul » in the section Livres-Books of my old Jurassic site  ; and « In praise of Reason and the Secular State » in

11 ) J. Attali, Bill Gates’s Event 201, and the strange Italian dr. Burioni.

11 a ) On Attali. For some notorious pitres, the economic and “climate” chaos calls for military control … by the American army. Already in 2009, J. Attali thought that a good pandemic could help achieve this noble goal. The State of emergency is now declared all over Europe and beyond; meanwhile, the French and Italian governments rely on military personnel to conduct their health crisis strategy …

See : Attali : une petite pandémie permettra d’instaurer un gouvernement mondial !

See: « Tiens, tiens… Attali en 2009 : « une petite pandémie permettra d’instaurer un gouvernement mondial »…, » 14 Mar 2020Christine TasinLiberté d’expressionMondialisationRépublique et laïcité

As well as : « PJ TV : Paul Jorion a invité Jacques Attali » •Premiered Apr 9, 2020, PJ TV : Paul Jorion a invité Jacques Attali – YouTube At 15.30 mn

11 b ) On Event 201. Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion

See also: « Did Bill Gates Just Reveal The Real Reason Behind The Lock-Downs? », by Tyler Durden ,Sat, 04/04/2020 – 23:40 , Authored by Rosemary Frei via,

11 c ) See this on the strange Italian evil doctor Burioni who is however very representative of many members in the scientific committees and in the government, all of them full with conflicts of interest.  He openly advocates to lockdown non-vaccinated just like « rats ». No official condemnation was heard. These strange people clearly consider citizens as guinea pigs. Burioni openly said that they should be closed in just like rats, no less. This typical evil crackpot is heard almost every day on the media and he is full of conflict of interests. We heard no apologies. Apparently one organisation is taking him to Court. See : « “Chiusi in casa come sorci”. Il tweet choc di Burioni sui no-vax fa infuriare il web », 14:05 24.07.2021 (aggiornato: 16:37 24.07.2021) ,CC BY-SA 2.0 / International Journalism Festival / Roberto Burioni i ,

12 ) On Dr. Campbell and aspirations see « UK hospital admissions will rise, » 19 lug 2021, See at 17 :30

13 ) For the 4000 genetic experiments plus those by Alain Fischer, see Annex 3 below.    

14 ) EMA abusive authorisations versus efficient alternatives. No authorisations could have been granted for untried genetic and vaccine therapies in presence of efficient alternatives. Today, with poor efficiency rates that cannot make the 50 % threshold of the FDA when confronted with variants, these dangerous and inefficient therapies, especially mRNA pseudo-vaccines, must be withdrawn or else it will amount to a premeditated mass genocide.  

15 ) On the opacity of EU’s contracts and on the abusive depenalisation of Big Pharma see UE member of Parliament Ms Manon Aubry « L’UNION EUROPÉENNE S’EST COUCHÉE DEVANT LES LABOS PHARMACEUTIQUES, Feb 10, 2021, L’UNION EUROPÉENNE S’EST COUCHÉE DEVANT LES LABOS PHARMACEUTIQUES – YouTube

Ms Aubry’s and the France Insoumise’s argument for public patents is well taken for real vaccines. In my humble opinion, it should not apply in this peculiar case because we are not dealing with legal vaccines but with rushed, dangerous and experimental mass therapies that should be stopped before the usual  7-10 year research program is completed. For instance, the inefficient Pfizer mRNA therapy is offered – in fact de facto imposed by the  illegal suppression of efficient alternatives and with the liberticidal sanitary pass – while its Phase 3 would tentatively be concluded in January 31, 2023 … But, otherwise, the issue of a real extensive Public Pharma Care, in the framework of a real public health-care system, is a real and urgent one.

16 ) If contagion happens from hand and skin contact and droplets, the App offers not protection because you can also be infected by touching surfaces impregnated with the virus. You are better off respecting social distancing, wearing a mask in non ventilated rooms and washing hands regularly, especially if over 65-year of age. The ideal would be to be guaranteed access to generic drugs which are demonstrated capable of  reducing and eliminating the viral load in a few days. Especially when detected early from the first symptoms with a PCR with less than 30-35 cycles of amplification, such as the protocol of prof. Raoult and ivermectin etc. Tracing can be done efficiently by phone by the contaminated persons themselves with some public help, and that would guaranteed privacy and the non merchandised invasion of our privacy by the likes of Cambridge Analytica or worse NSA, Pegasus, Echelon and Five Eyes and the rest. UK Dr. Campbell revealed the paradox of the tracking app going berserk with the Delta variant and pinging all contacts – including PM Johnson and his health minister and many essential workers and food workers – who have then to quarantine themselves while still negated immediate access to efficient generic drugs if proven infected. This is worse than lockdowns and it is truly sickening for any rational individual.  


Annex 1 : Here is the reasoning about the uselessness and dangerousness of the pseudo-vaccines.

From Israel, where they are now understandingly less sanguine about mRNA boosters, we know this, so far:

« Meanwhile, the Israeli Health Ministry, which has previously estimated the true efficacy of the Pfizer jab against the delta variant at only 64% (while still more than 90% effective at preventing serious illness and death), just released new data purporting to show that while the Pfizer jab is still 88% effective at preventing serious illness, it’s only 39% effective at preventing infection with delta.» in « Israel Finds Pfizer Jab Only 39% Effective At Stopping Delta Variant »,  by Tyler Durden, Friday, Jul 23, 2021 – 10:17 AM,

Dr Campbell provides this data: « Big US implications from Israel », 24 lug. 2021,

Israel, After 2 doses, Protection against getting: 

Infected, 39% (down from 90%)

Symptomatic infection, 41%                           Hence no protection  : 59 %

Very sick, 88%                                                                                   : 12 %

Hospitalised, 91.4%                                                                           : 08,6 %


Let us compare these numbers with the situation in France in 2020 before vaccination. Assuming around 15 % of the general population at risk – over 65 and under 65 with comorbidities – the averages were 80 % with mild symptoms, 15 % with serious symptoms and 5 % very ill.

In the circumstance we will only retain the 5 % which will safely give us the % of patients that were hospitalised. From what we know on average a bit less that ½ of these died outside of the IHU of Marseille. In the IHU the percentage was hovering around 0.5 % at the time.

Today with the Delta variant rising the IHU has 0.8 % death whereas using my rule of thumb Israel’s comparable number would likely hover around 3.6 %.

As a matter of fact the most recent death number for Pfizer in Israel is given at 6.3 % !!! (See : )

Look now at the numbers from the Italian ISS before the beginning of the Delta variant curve. We get 12 %  double dose patients that get infected and  4.2 % die. Again compare this with the IHU, i.e. with results obtained with the early treatment strategy. What are the pseudo-vaccines good for?  

See : Le nombre de décès à l’IHU 0.8% (  Nombres de décès avec > 3 traitement (hydroxychloroquine plus azitromycine) 130 décès = 0.8 % , )   

And see : Coronavirus : au cœur de la bataille immunitaire contre le virus

Par Gary Dagorn et Agathe Dahyot ,Publié le 12 juin 2020 à 12h42 – Mis à jour le 15 juin 2020 à 10h59,

Décryptages« Le Monde » a reconstitué la façon dont ce virus, le SARS-CoV-2, prend principalement place dans l’organisme, et pourquoi il est redoutable chez certains patients.

Totalement inconnu il y a six mois, le virus SARS-CoV-2 s’est répandu sur cinq continents et dans quasiment tous les pays du monde, provoquant une pandémie d’autant plus difficile à contrôler que les scientifiques ne savaient quasiment rien de ce nouveau virus d’origine animale.

Septième coronavirus connu à pouvoir infecter les humains, le SARS-CoV-2 est le virus responsable du Covid-19, une maladie respiratoire bénigne dans au moins 80 % des cas, mais hautement symptomatique chez 15 % des patients et très grave chez 5 % des sujets.

See :Here are the figures from the Italian ISS:

“Efficacy data differ depending on the parameters considered. The protection against infection is on average about 71% for those vaccinated with an incomplete cycle and over 88% for those vaccinated with a complete cycle.

The values of hospitalizations are much higher: in this case, the average is 80.83% with the first dose only and 94.57% with the booster, while the percentages of hospitalization in intensive care are 88.08% and 97.3%, respectively.

Finally, the vaccines guarantee a protection against death of 79.01% with one dose, and 95.8% with two doses.” Covid, i dati sull’efficacia dei vaccini in Italia: il report dell’Iss Il report aggiornata dell’Iss sull’efficacia delle vaccinazioni in Italia ha registrato valori molto alti di protezione con la seconda dose,

Translation: 12% of the vaccinated with a double-dose are at risk of infection and 4.2% die. »

Remember also that the overall risk picture does not justify any of the Western « dictatorial » anti-Sars-CoV-2 strategy now implemented. In France late January 2021, 78 % of Sars-CoV-2 were over 75 year of age; 14 % were from 65 to 74 year;  7 % were from 45 to 64 year; 1 % from 15 to 44; 0 % less than 15 year of age.

See : Distribution des personnes décédées du coronavirus (COVID-19) en France du 1er mars au 19 janvier 2021, selon la tranche d’âge

Finally here is a table that can give us a comparative glimpse at the result of two strategies. On the one hand, the official one which sends patients tested positive at home without any treatment and no oximeter to wait to get better or else to be rushed to the Emergency ward in very deteriorated conditions. On the other hand, that of the IHU of Marseille applying medical care from the early detection of the symptoms. We know that the same kind of results can be had with ivermectin … Appropriate early treatment is the key. I have already underlined the fact that these alternatives are pushed aside illegally and against all deontology just because, once you admit the existence of alternative, you can no longer authorise this genetic mass experiment with pseudo-vaccines, not even on conditional and compassionate grounds. As was recently stated, we are dealing here with a State lie. But one which is causing undue deaths and which is sure to cause the mid and long terms deterioration of the epidemiological conditions of vaccinated populations.  See:“Un mensonge d’Etat” : Jean-Michel Claverie jette un froid sur BFMTV, Publié le 25/07/2021 à 20:18,Jean-Michel Claverie en duplex sur BFMTV, Auteur(s): FranceSoir

Prof Raoult « Comparaison des courbes épidémiques selon villes et pays », See at 1 :31

Furthermore prof. Raoult had underlined the very different percentage of death in intensive care in the Hospitals of Paris (43 % ) and at the IHU (16%). See

Source: Morti secondo l’età in Francia e nell’IHU di Marsiglia, rispettivamente senza e con il Protocollo del prof. Raoult. Ci vorrebbero pure le statistiche con l’ivermectina. Vedi : a 8 :00

Bisogna pure tenere conto delle pecularietà italiane. Nel post del 24 febbraio 2021 abbiamo scritto : « Il Presidente del consiglio Draghi scrive « L’aspettativa di vita, a causa della pandemia, è diminuita: fino a 4 – 5 anni nelle zone di maggior contagio; un anno e mezzo – due in meno per tutta la popolazione italiana. Un calo simile non si registrava in Italia dai tempi delle due guerre mondiali.» in

L’INPS ha già notata avere versato 16 % meno pensioni. Statistiche di settimane fa da aggiornare. »

See also « Coronavirus : Didier Raoult porte plainte contre Martin Hirsch pour “dénonciation calomnieuse”, Le professeur Didier Raoult, patron de l’Institut Méditerranée-Infection à Marseille, a déposé plainte auprès du parquet de Paris pour “dénonciation calomnieuse” contre le directeur des hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) Martin Hirsch qui l’avait accusé de “faux témoignage”.

Publié le 30/07/2020 à 13h36 • Mis à jour le 31/07/2020 à 10h09 ,

You might recall the very disgraceful and falsified article on hydroxychloroquine published and then retracted by the Lancet. The scientific scandal gets even worse. A purported randomised trial on various treatments was initiated; it included hydroxychloroquine but without azitromycin and without much care in the dosages. It was launched under the name of Discovery in a context in which the then minister Buzyn had incredibly declared hydroxychloroquine « venomous » just to get rid of an efficient treatment alternative. Hydroxychloroquine had been used for some 70 years in the whole world without any problem and was even frrely accessible in the pharmacy before the ministerial intervention. As we know no experiment, less of all a mass experiment, can be launched with a rushed and untried treatment if efficient alternative treatments do exist. Even a layman like myself was able to see that this randomised study had been planned to fail because it only analysed the effects of the hydroxychloroquine with hospitalised patients wheras prof. Raoult, one of the leading expert in the matter, had insisted on early treatment with proper dosages and together with azitromycin. Eventually the study was ended pretexting a governmental intervention that followed the Lancet’s article, one which did not care to correct itself even after that article had been retracted. However, even at that, the preliminary results were still indicating a beneficial effect of hydroxychloroquine on hospitalized patients … In a different epoch such sloppy and unethical behaviour would have led to many layoffs including within high government officials … (On the efficiency of hydroxychloroquine see for instance : . )

Note further that even a first year student should know that method needs to be congruent with the object of study. In this case, namely medical research and treatments, prof. Raoult summed it up very nicely: you would not use a control group without parachute  to test the effectiveness of parachutes. I suppose that when life and death are in the balance randomised studies should be a posteriori. But, for that to be useful, the mega-analysis should lead to controllable statistical universes, or else you will emulate the « pieds nicklés » – dixit prof. Raoult – of the Lancet’s fake rag. Perhaps an effort should be done uphill to get more orderly and standardised data, but this is a universal problem that goes even beyond medical research. Modern preventive medicine will certainly push in that direction and this should emphasise the need for a strong rehabilitation of rigorous scientific methodology and deontology, with proper protocols rigorously forbidding or controlling for any perilous drifting toward trans-humanism. Medicine is about the Hippocratic Oath. It is about the trust between a doctor and her/his patient, it is certainly not about emulating the Island of dr. Moreau.

I suppose randomised studies can still be of help with living patients when comparing two already approved treatments and/or placebos, to determine their relative usefulness, their relative dangerousness etc.

Conclusion: It seems that if you are not lucky enough to receive early treatments you are better off taking Zinc and Vitamins D and C than getting one of the pseudo-vaccines. But this should be an individual if informed choice. This is not refutable in terms of death from Sars-VoC-2 but still does not take into account the 15 % more deaths on average caused by these rushed pseudo-vaccines compared to the average deaths caused by real vaccines – tested during 7-10 years …

This is catastrophic. This is criminal. But, in the West, the scientific committees and leaders are ignoring the facts and pushing for boosters, preferably mRNA boosters!!!  This so-called green pass ammounts to a plain blackmail consciously intended to force vaccination as well as the « palestinisation » of citizens. Clearly the whole thing is a war on the people and on their fundamental rights.


Annex 2 : What prof. Raoult teaches us on immune escape , reinfection etc

See : « Effet des vaccins & Corruption »,

At 2:30, 350 vaccinated persons were diagnosed at the IHU in Marseille. The pharmacovigilance in France reported fewer cases than at the IHU, which suggests that the real figures are not given or not compiled. (This would confirm what Ms Henrion-Caude said some time ago when this great geneticist noted the potential shortcomings in the pharmacovigilance criteria used in this case. In fact, we hear a lot about thrombosis but not about the rate of reinfection. Emblematically, apart from Ms. Henrion-Caude, one has to consult the CDC publications to know that these pseudo-vaccines kill 15 times more than normal vaccines, done according to the rules).

At 2:58 On average the protection for the vaccinated would be around 50% (This is far from satisfactory since the FDA does not validate a vaccine at 50% and less success. The problem is that the vaccinated think they are protected when they are not. Instead, they must continue to abide by all the rules of social distancing. The “reward” to the vaccinated people consisting in allowing them not to wear masks in the open air is just another pantalonnade in the criminal management of this health crisis. Indeed, the scientific consensus confirms that the cases of infection in the open air are almost nil! However, this derisory vaccine protection is confirmed in the current context while the South African, Brazilian and Indian variants, not covered by the current pseudo-vaccines, are still under-represented. However, they scare both the British and American authorities. But they pretend nothing and accelerate the vaccination. This is very serious since it is likely that the vaccines will lead to other variants due to selection pressure, so that the boosters will always be one war behind).

At 9:20 IHU has a significant number of people who had a Covid within a week of the vaccine. Is the pre-vaccine diagnosis adequate? (In fact, this seems to me to clarify the dynamic noted by Ms. Henrion-Caude about the greater number of deaths-15 times more-found in the vaccinated compared to the usually very low mortality rate for normal vaccines).

At 11 :00. Corruption and research.  Gilead, Pzifer, Astra-Zeneca, GSK have all been convicted of corruption in the past. Whether we like it or not, corruption affects democratic decision-making processes. It is therefore necessary to strengthen them, just as it is urgent to strengthen ethical rules and those concerning conflicts of interest.


Annex 3 : Genetic therapies before the Covid-19 mass experiments

2 b ) SARS-CoV-2. Le généticien Alain Fischer sur l’expérimentation de masse des vaccins ARNm, 12 janvier 2021. (Includes translations in English and Italian)

2 c ) “Enthusiasm and disenchantment. The years 1990 to 2000 saw the emergence of a myriad of clinical trials in a wide variety of pathologies: cancer, heart and vascular diseases, viral infections, hereditary immunodeficiencies… associated with a major infatuation of the public (particularly through the Telethon) and investors. Poorly served by communication that does not distinguish between reality in the field and hypotheses, faced with industrial players or patients who expect immediate positive results [ref. necessary], gene therapy is quickly confronted with the bitter conclusion that emerges from this period: no real benefit is observed for the 4,000 or so patients enrolled in the 400 to 600 trials [ref. necessary] carried out during this period. Difficulties of communication between the academic scientific community and that of industry, a progressive disengagement of venture capitalists from gene therapy approaches, and mistrust concerning the real potential of this strategy dominated the end of the last decade of the 20th century [ref. necessary]. »


As for Prof. Alain Fischer – the current French Monsieur Vaccin – and his experiments: “The therapy consisted in transferring a functional gene into the blood cells of these patients that restored the functionality of the interleukin-2 receptor. Initially, it proved to be a complete success with the patients’ recovery4 : most of the babies were able to come out of their bubbles and live a normal life. However, four of these patients out of the 20 or so children treated with this type of therapy developed leukemia after a few years5. There is considerable evidence that the type of vector used could integrate into sensitive regions of the genome, and by deregulating certain genes, such as the proto-oncogene LMO26 (a gene frequently found activated in natural lymphomas) could participate in these forms of induced leukemia. This integration of the vector can be correlated with the anarchic multiplication of undifferentiated white blood cells that cause leukemia. This would therefore be a direct side effect attributable to the strategy itself, even if the development of this type of leukemia has not been detected in the majority of patients involved in the various clinical trials of this type carried out worldwide. in .

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