Commenti disabilitati su Dec. 5, 2021 in Paris: A new alliance of republican and egalitarian classes emerges in France.

This event, which stages the constitution of a People’s Union, does not only concern France, but the whole of Europe and the entire World, because it reconnects with the universal values of human emancipation and does so on the basis of a common program that is both ambitious and achievable. The promise of the convocation of a Constituent Assembly opens the way for the great overhaul of the conception of Politics, understood in the noble sense of the term, because it is put at the service of the Community by the Community itself.

This historical moment, propaedeutic to the presidential and legislative elections of Spring 2022 in France, is seized with a great clarity and a great sense of responsibility. As proof, I would like to offer these few quotes: “We need a political relay” “It is not the number that makes the rightness of a cause, it is the rightness of a cause that ends up making the number” “What is going to change completely is the direction in which we are going“. The current socio-economic, cultural, health and constitutional wreckage leaves few other opportunities to “change life itself ” –Rimbaud – and save the future.  2022 constitutes a real crossroads, a deadline not to be missed for the left and for all people of good will.

I reproduce here the accompanying text of the video that we must contribute to make known as well as the link to the Common Program – available here: . Make them known and discuss them everywhere in the hope of contributing to launch a movement of plural union at the base to take back the road of social and human conquests. To many workers, employees and citizens are now disenfranchised around the World.  Help register massively our people on the electoral lists everywhere in the cities, in the suburbs, in the villages and the rural world. 

See: “We must break with this world! – Meeting of the Popular Union with Jean-Luc Mélenchon in Paris”. JEAN-LUC MÉLENCHON ,  

 “On Sunday, December 5, 2021, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was in a meeting at La Défense in front of more than 5000 people. At the beginning of this meeting, Manon Aubry (MEP) and Eric Coquerel (MP) presented the Parliament of the Popular Union. Both explained that this structure, which brings together trade unionists, associations, personalities from the world of culture, would be the tool to achieve the union of social mobilizations of the past 5 years. Azzedine Taïbi, communist mayor of Stains, defended the common causes between working-class neighborhoods and rural areas, particularly in terms of defending public services. Finally, Aurélie Trouvé, president of the Parliament of the Popular Union, called on those who want to act for a social, ecological and democratic transformation of the country to engage in politics for the program “The Future in Common”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon began his speech by recalling his proposal of debate to Valérie Pécresse. He recalled that she described herself as “2/3 Merkel, 1/3 Thatcher” and gave the translation for France: “2/3 Macron, 1/3 Zemmour”. He also called on Emmanuel Macron to accept the substantive political debate and explained that at a time when the expected participation in the presidential election does not exceed 60%, this debate could be an opportunity to interest people in the election and push them to participate in the vote.

The Popular Union presidential candidate called for a break with the neoliberal world. He explained that free and undistorted competition, which is at the heart of liberalism, destroys nature and exhausts human beings. He defended his program to achieve harmony between human beings and between human beings and nature. He defended in particular the increase of the minimum wage, the retirement at 60 years, the sharing of the working time, the exit of the nuclear power. He explained that the cause of human beings could not be separated from that of animals and that the advanced consciousness of humans obliged them to protect all biodiversity. Referring to the Covid crisis, Jean-Luc Mélenchon recalled that if there are pandemics and there will be others, it is because of intensive breeding. This is why, in the program “l’Avenir en commun”, it is planned to close these farms. Regarding the health pass, the candidate for the presidential election of 2022 said that it was a stupid measure that gave the illusion that when you are vaccinated, you are protected when you can contract and transmit the disease even vaccinated. He urgently asked to restore free testing for the holiday season. Jean-Luc Mélenchon evoked the theme of education by specifying that it was the school which made us better, which allowed us to free ourselves from prejudices, racism and ignorance which lock us up. He recalled that it was the first pillar of the Republican edifice. Faced with the ransacking of Macron, the insoumis deputy also called to rebuild the public hospital but also the justice which cruelly lacks means. He stressed that a society in which justice is no longer able to do its job is a society that will abandon itself to vendettas and revenge. While there are 8 million people on food aid and 300,000 homeless, Jean-Luc Mélenchon said that if he was elected in 2022 there would be an emergency social law to block the prices of basic necessities, to increase the SMIC and the minimum social benefits. The candidate of the Popular Union reaffirmed as priorities of the campaign the general human interest and peace. He concluded by calling on everyone to take part in the fight for 2022, indicating that the world was watching what was happening in France. If the chain of capitalism cracks in the country, it will crack everywhere. Watch the live broadcast in a version accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing: “

(Translated with and re-read)

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