Commenti disabilitati su SARS-CoV-2 = a factual and pessimistic synopsis, November 22, 2020.

(I must repeat that I am not a doctor in medicine. However, I do take prof. Testart’s warning on the necessary role of citizens very seriously.) 

Why be pessimistic? The increasing cases of re-infection and the numerous mutations of the Sars-CoV-2 virus bode ill for the success of the vaccines. We hope to be wrong but we do not count on it. The case of Denmark’s mink population and the transmission to Humans is equally worrisome. And we now learn this from Australia: « A strain of Covid-19 behind an outbreak in South Australia (that) may be spreading up to five times quicker than normal, officials fear.» see « New Strains Of COVID Could Render Vaccines Completely Useless, And 2 Dangerous Mutations Are Already Spreading », by Tyler Durden , Fri, 11/20/2020, Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, .

In such circumstances, it should be made mandatory for all doctors who comment publicly on the current pandemics to spell out clearly their conflicts of interest. It is a minimum as far as deontology is concerned and it is due to taxpaying citizens.

I have already explained the difference between the two main strategies deployed to deal with the current sanitary crisis. The first consists in living and coping with the Sars-CoV-2 pandemics, cynically sacrificing people, while waiting for an unlikely successful vaccine. The second consists in suffocating it with total – and later targeted – lockdowns while eradicating it with the immediate administration of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin once the contagion is detected with rapid molecular testing. (1)

That treatment has been proven to be highly successful in lowering and eliminating the viral load, hence eliminating the risk of contagion, at least when administered under medical supervision immediately after a person is tested positive. It has also been shown to diminish the length of hospital stays and to increase the rate of survival of patients in intensive care units. (2)

The choice is between using this protocol or leaving the patients who have tested positive at home with no real cures or no cure at all. The latter choice is cynically implemented with the hope that they either get better or are in need to be rushed to the hospital in more serious conditions, often leading to admission in the intensive care units and to death. This happens despite the evidence showing that the useful hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin protocol does not prejudge in any way the other treatments available to patients admitted in the hospital, and more specifically it does not negatively affect the administration of oxygen, that of anti-coagulant etc; quite the contrary.

On the other hand, remdesivir is proven to be without effect – except on the stock exchange – and especially dangerous for the kidneys of patients. Prof. Raoult has also cautioned against the high infection risk of perfusion lasting some 10 days or more for such unproven drug. (3)

We note that Sars-Cov-2 is at time – at least in some of its mutations – more contagious than was the case in March-April. (4) We note that recombinations of various strains seem to be the hallmark of this virus. It does not behave like other coronaviruses and is not mainly seasonal. Hence, the usual Bell curve shape gives way to a rapid series of Bell curves with specific contagion rates.

The rapid mutations and recombinations makes it that more difficult for a vaccine to be successful despite the unrrealist – and pre-meditated – theatrics on their success. And we will be lucky, if the Sars-CoV-2 does not display the capacity to use previous anti-bodies to mutate and reinforce itself. I send the reader back to this important article on this question written by Harvard2thebighosue . This is an article that proved right for the effect on the brain cells and the smell symptom as well as for the possible damages to the liver and the kidneys. (4)

It seems that our Western governments have chosen to cope with a maximum of deaths while spreading a reassuring messages beneficial to Big Pharma more than to their citizens. This was done in particular with the useless remdesivir and now with the vaccines. It works very well indeed for the stock exchange and shareholders. However, many people have questioned Pfizer’s late announcement and claim about its vaccine. Aside from the difficulty associated with its refrigeration. Shares were sold immediately after the announcement in a planned fashion. (5) More problematic seems to be the fact that the claim of 92 % successfulness does concern the cohort 18-48 year-old which is much less affected than the general population. (6) Talk about bogus double blind reports!

If this were the case, it would be a catastrophe because it would mean that Pfizer consciously manipulated the public and the market – a matter for the SEC etc to investigate – and moreover that its vaccine might, in fact, be more dangerous that doing nothing. In fact, about 15 % of the general population – without the benefice of prof. Raoult’s protocol – do develop complications leading to hospitalisation, these 15 % comprising all the age cohorts … do the arithmetic’s …

It seems that the EU, which heedlessly spent about one billion euros on remdesivir doses, is now doing the same for vaccines whose efficiency would be tantamount to a miracle – no vaccine has ever worked so far for coronaviruses or for HIV and we know there is a functional string of HIV in the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Add to this what was said about mutations and recombinations … Normally vaccines are tested during an average of 7 to 10 years before being made available to the general public. Now the candidate vaccines are rushed through in a few months. Triumphant and unlikely claims of success are divulgated based on small samples while the rushed Phase 3 is not even over yet. True Bill Gates has already calculated that such a vaccine would net some $ 65 billion a year if one a year was needed, which does not seems to be the case. Like Senator Robert Kennedy we are all in favor of vaccines when they have been rigorously tested and approved. (7) But it is not the business of governments – especially democratic governments – to put the lives of citizens in danger to please Big Pharma. With a bad pre-vaccine strategy governments are accumulating Sars-C0V-2 deaths – in and out of hospitals – as well as the over-mortality of patients affected with other ailments but now unable to get proper care in time. It is a disaster. Amounting to an active eugenics policy.

Something I would like more information on is the R Naught, the RT and the Bell curve.

The R Naught seems to be an aposteriori concept, an indication that needs to be operationally defined by the verified effective rate of contagion, or Rt. And this last depends on many things, for instance the administration of hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, the type of lockdowns etc. Given the haphazard management – and the great number of asymptomatic – even the Italian government is placing more importance on the percentage of positive tests over the – managed – number of testing done on a single day.

The Bell shaped expectation is something else. Prof. Raoult explained that usually such viruses are seasonal or, at least, they follow a Bell curve. Eventually they disappear and no one really knows why. He also said that, in his experience – and he is the most preeminent expert in the domain – the succession of Bell curves for the same initial virus and its main mutations is new. What can perhaps be said with some confidence, at least by lay persons – such as most politicians and citizens – is that the pick of a given Bell curve depends of the effective Rt, hence mainly of the effects of the total or targeted lockdowns but in conjunction with the care afforded to patients who tested positive. When these have access to prof. Raoult’s protocol, most data show that the total lockdown can be replaced by targeted lockdown going hand in hand with numerous rapid molecular testing. In effect, non-Western nations are doing much better in dealing with the current pandemics. (8) This is a hard fact that deserves attention.

I have always been impressed by the old Soviet Georgian School of bacteriology. It used to deal with bacterial infections using other bacteria. The same is probably true for viruses and also for the real individual equilibrium in bacterial and viral populations. The understanding of this complex environment is perhaps crucial for the understanding of the behavior of the Bell curve of viruses. And it might even be more important than the understanding to the interaction of the ARN and ADN strings with the cell’s ribosome … which seems to depend on its « reading » of the strings to replicate them – the reading being probably triggered by a quantitative threshold reached in the infected cell. Prof. Raoult has insisted on the importance and complexity of these biological and chemical environmental interactions. (See his La science est un sport de combat, Sept. 2020.)

Otherwise, we would have to hope that this Sars-CoV-2 is an artificial chimera and that as such it will eventually and naturally disappear as prof. Montagnier explained. But this will take time, years in fact, which again pleads for the immediate generalisation of prof. Raoult’s protocol. As well as the Cuban interferon drug which is said to have preventive virtues.

If not, then we will have to conclude that we are dealing with a cynical governmental management of the number of deaths deemed tolerable while avoiding the saturation of the hospitals and of their intensive care units, something I have already denounced. (9)

In Italy and elsewhere it seems that the management of the crisis is now concerned with saving the Holyday Seasons business, nothing more. Some sources have confirmed this impression. The colored lockdowns applying differently to different regions are aimed at slowing down the contagion that is expected to restart in January or February. (10) But this stupid and criminal management does not take into account the mutations and recombination’s of the Sars-CoV-2 in the optics of the now proven re-infections of patients … Ominously, the case of Denmark’s infected mink population demonstrates the potential danger of more mutations triggered by the transmission to humans of mutated Sars-CoV-2 in animals. The Australian case confirms this fear.

The last point I like to make is again taken from the magnificent work and communication strategy of the IHU of Marseille. Without it, citizens all over the World would be at great difficulty to come up with some kind of rational understanding of a difficult question which nevertheless concerns us all. It is said that the Pompiers – firefighters – of Marseille detect the evolution of the Sars-CoV-2 from the City’s sewers even before the IHU does it!!! This could perhaps be explained because the virus is present in the human excrements. Fortunately, people go more often to the toilette than to the IHU to get a molecular test, and given the high rate of asymptomatic people … Hence, perhaps the rational authorities should take these early warnings seriously and plan their response accordingly.

Paul De Marco.


1 ) See the chapter 4 entitled « The murderous management of the Covid-19 crisis. » here :

2 )

3 ) « WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients. » in

4 ) Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Posted on January 31, 2020March 21, 2020 by harvard2thebighouse . In reality, this seems to be a coronavirus emerging in Fort Detrick in July and August 2019 and reaching Wuhan with the military games held let in 2019.

Note also that the Sars-CoV-2 had emerged in Italy long before Wuhan especially it seems in the regions where there are many large US military bases, see: « Il coronavirus in Italia prima di quanto si pensasse: lo studio », Secondo uno studio realizzato a Milano su uno screening per il tumore al polmone, il coronavirus circolava in Italia ben prima di febbraio,

See also « Covid-19 and SARS-CoV-2 more contagious recombinations » , November 2, 2020, in

5 ) « Le PDG de Pfizer a, en effet, vendu pour 5,6 millions de dollars (4,7 millions d’euros) d’actions juste après l’annonce des résultats d’efficacité de son vaccin. La compagnie assure que cette vente était prévue dans le cadre d’un « plan » fixé plusieurs mois à l’avance, mais beaucoup s’interrogent aux Etats-Unis sur les informations dont disposaient les dirigeants de Pfizer au moment où ce plan a été mis en place au mois d’août.

Le bénéfice ainsi empoché apparaît aussi approprié à certains, compte tenu des sommes colossales investies par le gouvernement américain dans le développement du vaccin.

D’autres sociétés, dont Moderna, font l’objet des mêmes critiques : son PDG ainsi que plusieurs de ses dirigeants ont déjà vendu pour plusieurs dizaines de milliers de dollars d’actions.» in Le vaccin contre le Covid-19 de Pfizer « ne semble pas adapté à une vaccination de masse » Pour nos journalistes Chloé Aeberhardt et Chloé Hecketsweiler, qui ont répondu à vos questions lors d’un tchat, le vaccin sera coûteux, car les conditions de conservation sont très contraignantes.

Publié hier à 16h00, mis à jour hier à 19h29

6 ) Vaccino Pfizer, “ci sono delle ombre”: Crisanti non è ottimista, Il microbiologo dell’Università di Padova, Andrea Crisanti, ha detto che sul vaccino della Pfizer ci sono “luci e ombre”.

7 ) Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Agenda In Scathing Report »,by Tyler Durden, Sun, 04/12/2020, Authored by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense,

8 ) See the statistics here :

9 ) See See also in English the chapter quoted above in the Note 1.

10 ) “Liberi a Natale, poi nuovo lockdown”. Il piano svelato, Sarebbe questo il piano del governo svewlato da un non meglio identificato capo di gabinetto., editato in: 2020-11-09T10:17:28+01:00 da QuiFinanza It was predictable see :


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