Posted: 20th Marzo 2019 by rivincitasociale in Ecomarxismo
Commenti disabilitati su CLIMATE AND INDOCTRINATION, March 2019

For the Youth of the World with the hope that they will not be transformed by the current political and economic leaders into a New “Shepherds’ Crusade” to be sacrificed to their own sordid financial appetites.

Some evidences:

There is an environmental urgency, there is no climate urgency.

CO2 is beneficial, obscurantism is a danger to life and civilization

The beneficial CO2 – photosynthesis – and the CO, the poisonous, potentially deadly carbon monoxide, should not be confused.

«Make the polluter pay! »But there is a plenary indulgence for the rich, that is the green certificates exchanged on the Green Stock Exchange!

Among all environmental issues, global warming would qualify as the only potentially positive challenge for Humanity.

The ecological footprint of Al Gore’s home is 20 times that of an average American, Hulot’s is even worse. (1)

The same inequality holds for the 10% vs the 80% of the population both at the domestic and at  the global level. (2)

The most harmful pollution is the obscurantism propagated for the consumption of the masses.

The urgency lies in the control of industrial and chemical pollution.

Man must be able to reproduce himself as a species in Nature and in Society.


For more clarity I send the reader back to the scientific summary available in Italian here. Many good English videos are also available on Facebook:


1) Science or narration. Science illuminates the rational decision-making of citizens. The narrative aims to deceive the mass of citizens in favor of the ruling classes. In an era of democratization of compulsory and secular education there is no longer a need for “noble lies” to “guide” people’s consciousness. (3)

2) According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global climate warming is mainly due to human activities. This anthropogenic cause is a wicked narrative designed against the interests of the citizens and peoples of emerging countries. The long history of our planet demonstrates the succession of interglacial and glacial eras, (See , Figure 1, pages 2) therefore before the industrial era with its alleged anthropogenic impact .

3) Although the IPCC functioned as a new soft Inquisition, it is not a question of being climatico-skeptical but of remaining realistic and scientific.

(4) Socrates denounced sophisms and Kant what he called paralogisms. 4) The IPCC is a political body of the UN – dominated by the rich countries and however not objectively scientific. Its alleged but fluctuating scientific consensus today raised to 97% is achieved by systematically discarding critical and realistic scientists. According to other more objective calculations, this “consensus” does not concern more than 32.84% or 10% of the scientists who are considered experts in these disciplines. See , p 34 and )

5) The IPCC global climate warming narrative has become shaky ever since it was publicly questioned by independent scientists. The IPCC theories systematically favor the data extrapolated from the IPCC’s own models over observed reality. Without surprise, over time the modeling predictions are increasingly false. (See Figure 6 in , p 11). Therefore, at COP24 in Katowice (Poland, 2018) the IPCC decided to dramatize the situation by pretending that there are only 12 to 22 years left to save the Planet. For young students and for the most gullible citizens, the IPCC insists on the short term, already reduced to 11 years in 2019: «The IPCC AR5 report, in 2014 had predicted that global warming compared to the pre-industrial period (~ 1860) would reach 1.5 ° C in 2020. The current report revises that forecast and leads to the achievement of 1.5 ° C at 2030 or 2040 “( , p 18) In fact, poor IPCC, in the last twenty years no significant heating occurred …

6) The main cause of global climate warming would be CO2, although it is present only in trace amounts in the atmosphere, i.e.  0.041%  that is, in an atmospheric volume of one million molecules, only 410 plus or minus are CO2, therefore 410 ppmv (idem, p 1) It is not said that this value comes from a single measure coming from the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii, that is from one of the 16 largest and most active volcanoes in the world. (see: )

7) It may seem incredible, but the IPCC discards all the greenhouse effect not attributable to human activities from its models. Thus it can claim that over 55% of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect is due to CO2. (Quels sont les gaz à effet de serre ? effet-de-serre-quels-sont-leurs-contribution-a-leffet-de-serre / ) It is enough then to pretend that all the “recorded” increase in CO2 from the beginning of the industrial era until today, that is from 300 ppm to 410 ppm, is due to Man! I pointed out elsewhere that the IPCC does not take into account, for example, permafrost … as well as Irish peat, etc., etc. If it is true that since 11000 years and for another millennium still the main tendency – modified by many other cycles of variable length and intensity – is to warm up, such unilateral anthropogenic imputation cannot be credibly advanced !!! But even so things do not square out: “It is instructive and fun to follow Franco Battaglia in Battaglia et al., 2018. Clima, basta catastrofismi. secolo editore, pagg. 13 e 14.(Battaglia et al., 2018. Climate, enough catastrophisms. 21st century publisher, p. 13 and 14 .): calculates what corresponds to the increase in CO2 observed from the pre-industrial era (from 300 to 400 ppmv) and finds that the increase is equivalent to consuming a birthday candle in your living room! The temperature increase of 0.8 ° C, on the other hand, corresponds to an increase of 0.3%! “(« Sono uno scettico climatico. Sì, ma perché? » Franco Zavatti in , p 21)

8) It remains to ask what are the sources of truly anthropogenic CO2. It is mainly fossil energies and industrial activities including the iron and steel industry and cement plants, both well protected by various fiscal exemptions and by the green certificates invented to allow this industrial “pollution” !!! (5) Real pollution due to combustion and industrial processes does not concern CO2 but other greenhouse gases and chemical pollutants. As in the fable of La Fontaine, the IPCC has designated as guilty precisely that subject which does not have fault, namely the CO2 produced by the consumption of ordinary citizens such as the Gilets jaunes … « According as you’re feeble, or have might, High courts condemn you to be black or white. »(« Animals seized with plague » in ) The consumer falsely made the author of the disastrous climate change will feel guilty and eager to be contrite and do penance – just like the gullible young students. He will therefore accept the negative incentive neoliberal-monetarist policy with more conviction. We do not even speak of quantitative « negative growth » or décroissance compensated by a qualitative growth of consumption … Clearly we are dealing here with a re-edition of the “original sin” for the use of gentile people …

9) Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas. « It contributes 60% of the planetary greenhouse effect, a contribution that rises to 90% when we consider the clouds » «… the water vapor is therefore responsible for the natural greenhouse effect, without which the temperature on the Planet Earth it would be minus 18 ° C (-18 ° C). (v. ) In his 1979 book, Gaïa: a new look at life on Earth, James Lovelock already exposed the processes of feedback, for example if the surface of the oceans warms up, evaporation will be higher, but this type of concatenation has yet to be scientifically investigated. However, so far the IPCC has not been very interested  …

10) The infamous hockey stick global temperature curve. This curve presented by Michael E. Mann, Raymond S. Bradley and Malcolm K. Hughes in an article published in 1998 in the prestigious scientific journal Nature – which refused to publish critical articles on the issue – « shows a slow and regular decrease in temperature since 1000 to 1900, with a brutal ascent that forms a graphic in the shape of a hockey stick »( , see also the short video by Vincent Courtillot: https: // ) This curve, the result of a falsification now unmasked, was used and continues to be used by the IPCC to illustrate the alleged rapid global warming since 1900, attributing its cause to an anthropogenic effect. In addition to statistical falsification, there was a willingness to make the so-called Optimum of the Middle Ages disappear. This, as well as the warming that took place during the Roman era, refers to an essential element, obvious to all those who know a little about History of the Planet, including geological history, that is the climatic cyclicity that alternates glacial ages and interglacial eras, periods of heating and periods of cooling. The archaeological sub-water findings in Baia or Crotone which date back at the time of Pythagoras or the Ancient Romans also give a masterly illustration of the complex problematic linked to sea level, that is, before the alleged anthropogenic effect due to the modern Industrial Age.

11) The « radiative forcing » The same type of methodological sloppiness and, sometimes, of conscious manipulation of facts made to reach pre-established conclusions, is evidenced by the use made by the experts in climatology of the IPCC of the concept of « radiative forcing ». This concept refers to the heart of the discussion on the greenhouse effect: the pollution would increasingly imprison more solar heat. We repeat that without the greenhouse effect the ground temperature would be – 18 degrees C. We also know that in the geological duration the climate varies between interglacial and glacial eras. And we know that the global hockey stick temperature curve was falsified.

Nonetheless, it is stated: “Since the beginning of the industrial era, that is, in 1750 all the greenhouse gases that we have released into the atmosphere equal more or less than 1% of the energy coming from the sun”. The same author claims that 55% of this percentage is due to CO2. ( ). It is recognized that the percentage is weak but, by abstracting all the possible retroactive effects of our Planet – oceans, vegetation, ice, permafrost etc. -, the greenhouse effect is extrapolated … Fortunately, it is not so. To understand this, just look at the clear correspondence between temperature and CO2: The temperature variation precedes that of CO2. For example, based on coring data, see at 30:54 mn, here . The denial of the increased CO2 / increased temperature causality is also illustrated by the logarithmic dispersion of the « radiative forcing » of CO2 present in the atmosphere. See Figure 15, in , p 20. The two figures deny the IPCC thesis. It remains, however, to reconcile them. On the basis of the feedback actions, it is in my opinion a matter of evaluating the time scales involved in the two figures and above all a matter of understanding the feedback: the discrepancy in the atmosphere would imply a change in the level of vegetation, ocean storage, etc. The question must be investigated. (6)

We already know that the IPCC discordant models do not include permafrost and other natural storage and release resources so that all the presumed CO2 effect is attributed to CO2 of human origin. In addition, sun cycles and other terrestrial or astronomical cycles are not taken into consideration. Again, we are confronted with the typical methodological neglect. Thinking only of the reaction of permafrost or of the oceans – by heating they emit CO2 – it is also clear that the IPCC confuses causes and effect. It is also clear that these increases and decreases happened well before the presumed anthropogenic effect even when the atmospheric accumulation of CO2 was vastly greater than today, for example when dinosaurs reigned. No climatic irreversibility is seen … A nice sign exhibited by two students read: “Les dinosaures aussi pensaient avoir le temps”. What a shame for them that the CO2 was  reduced and therefore the vegetable nourishment at the base of their food chain … (“Et un, et deux, et trois degrés”: a vague verte déferle en France pour la climat et social justice “ Selon les organisateurs de la Marche du siècle, plus 100,000 manifestants ont défilé à Paris et 350 000 en France. La préfecture de police a chiffré the parisienne affluence à 36 000 personnes. Par Audrey Garric and Rémi Barroux Publié hier à 17h24, mis à jour à 09h51. )

12) Life on Earth is carbon based. Without the presence of CO2, vegetation and this type of life would not have been possible. By means of photosynthesis, CO2 is therefore beneficial to most vegetation and crops. Periods of climatic warming are historically linked to periods of prosperity. (see ; see also: « Favorì l’ascesa di Roma, preparò la Rivoluzione francese », by Giovanni Caprara )

13) Energy is essential to the modern economy because it is based on the extraction and transformation of raw materials. The modern sectors of the economy, such as data farms, are more energy-intensive than traditional industry. An efficient modern economy would aim to secure surpluses in energy and healthy food items not subjected to the erratic disorders caused by speculation and by derivative products. Agriculture being subjected to natural cycles, we must return to the spirit and practices of crop and price stabilization – the old European CAP or the Ever Green Granary of the American New Dealers – and more broadly to “food sovereignty”  a concept not to be confused with the green-monetarist « food security » presumably achieved through the use of CDS on cereals and foodstuff in general. (7)

14) What explains the IPCC’s obsession with CO2, the least harmful greenhouse gas? The capitalist industry cannot be questioned . In an era of rampant asymmetric free trade, it therefore serves to establish an invisible technological barrier against the imports from emerging countries. Therefore the necessary struggle against the real polluting substances of industrial origin that devastate our territories is hidden. It also serves to discourage the consumption of the mass of citizens under the pretext of reducing their ecological footprint. 14A) Check the mercantile logic implemented with the Montreal Protocol. When, for various goods and services, Western economies become “mature”, the further growth of their sales will depend on the colonial, imperialist or neo-colonial conquest of new outlets in emerging countries, or on the generalization of planned obsolescence of the products on domestic markets. More rarely, the focus will be on the introduction of new replacement products, for example the mobile phone vs. the landline phone. At a time when Dupont de Nemours had a technology to replace the existing refrigerator and air conditioner parks in a saturated market, war was declared on the CFCs under the pretext that they caused the holes in the Ozone stratta. It seems that the holes in question on the Arctic and Antarctic poles are due to variations of the cold temperatures. (see F. Gervais.) It also seems that substitute substances are more harmful but this problem no longer interests anyone. Meanwhile, green certificates or certificates to pollute have become a real speculative market. But they give rise to a favorable treatment that allows to protect the most polluting industries such as the steel industry and cement factories etc. For green certificates and the green exchange, see note (8).

14 B) The disincentive of consumption and the reduction of the ecological footprint of the mass of citizens. Productivity growth allows to produce the same quantity or a higher quantity of products with less labor but with an higher organic composition of capital. The world has never been as productive as today and will become more and more so with the progressive introduction of robots and AI. According to the World Economic Forum (2016), “the (net) loss of five million jobs by 2020 is expected in 15 large countries”. For the OECD (3 April 2018) “66 million jobs are at a high risk due to automation, AND  32% more will experience possible changes on qualifications and jobs”. (9) In this circumstance there are two possible solutions: either the socially available work is shared among all citizens able to work or the poverty is divided between the mass of workers with a rampant precariousness and with the increase of mass unemployment and poverty.

Precariousness implies lower incomes even though they are already on the poverty line. The bourgeoisie therefore seeks to gain time by importing a growing portion of the average consumer basket at lower prices from emerging countries and sacrificing « deferred salary » and public goods and services. The global competition takes place on the individual labor cost only, that is on the single net individual wage while the worker and his family must reproduce themselves in their household. This race to the bottom must be justified in the eyes of the workers and of the unemployed themselves. Therefore, an attempt is made to induce a sense of personal guilt in people’s minds with the media war waged against CO2 and with the reduction of the personal ecological footprint.

The most typical illustration of the strategy was provided by the Macron presidency: at the end of 2018 it proposed to reduce the solidarity tax on the rich – the ISF = 5.3 billion euros in 2014 – immediately recovered with a surcharge on the price of fuels for ordinary citizens, especially those living in the suburbs who need to use their cars to go to work, or to reach essential services, all victims at the local level of the heavy trend towards privatization and deregulation. Meanwhile, to make the pill less bitter to swallow, with the pretext of safety behind the wheel, it was proposed to lower the maximum speed to 80 km per hour in order to reduce fuel consumption, thus cushioning the impact of the gas increase at the pump on the purchasing power. The same strategy of tightening the belt to the less wealthy takes the form of the fight against the consumption of meat and the alleged waste of food. (10) Meanwhile, it was already noted that the house of Al Gore consumed over 20 times that of the average American – knowing that Americans cause the biggest waste of energy per capita in the whole World – while one like Hulot should be ashamed given his own ecological footprint (refer to Note 1 below)
14 C) What is the alternative to the disincentive, the class-oriented « décroissance » (negative growth ) and the “return” to a modern slavery and a new domesticity? Quite simply, the constitutionally sanctioned demo-cracy through the general reduction of working time – even lowering the retirement age to guarantee generational renewal. The recurrent division, of course according to the possibilities offered by the macro-economic competitiveness and the micro-economic productivity, of the socially available work among all the citizens hat are apt to work can be easily financed. (see the summary on the RTT implemented by the «gauche plurielle» in « DISOCCUPAZIONE, COSTITUZIONE E DEMOCRAZIA : i disoccupati di San Giovanni in Fiore chiamano all’unità tutti i disoccupati e precari della Calabria » ( «UNEMPLOYMENT, CONSTITUTION AND DEMOCRACY: the unemployed in San Giovanni in Fiore call on the unit all the unemployed and precarious workers in Calabria») in , number 130, pp 4-5 The cost of the RTT was a meager 23 billion euros per year, coming mostly from the productive use of various aids and other forms of assistance …Unemployment fell from 11% to below 8 % disproving the so-called « natural » or «structural » rate of unemployment theory; full-time jobs pay social dues as well as income and other taxes so that in a short time the French public debt fell at 59 % of GDP that is one point below the Maastricht Criteria while the Social Security deficit almost disappeared. The general increase in well-being equally gave rise to a new sociology of leisure …  )

We also know that the policy of wage deflation no longer has any margin in Italy, not even to favor exports, the trade surplus being today emblematically due mainly to a drop in imports. European and Italian productivity and competitiveness must now be achieved by other means. First of all, to rehabilitate the « deferred salary » and the Welfare State programs, a new definition of anti-dumping is needed to protect the three components of the “net global income” of the households: namely, individual wages, deferred salary and the return to households of taxes and income taxes in the form of access to public infrastructures and public safety nets.

We also need to take note of the necessity to change the current Western strategy devised to achieve World control of energy sources, since energy is one of the main factors of production. After the war in the Middle East in 1973 which  led to a brutal increase in the price of oil, Kessinger managed to save the dying American dollar – Connally-Nixon surtax on imports imposed on August 15, 1971 signaled the beginning of the end of the Bretton Woods regime. Kissinger did so by substituting the Petro-Dollar Standard to the old Gold-Dollar Standard. In this way, oil and raw materials having to be traded on international markets in American dollars, the hegemony of the United States was strengthened. In fact, to buy these raw materials, the various countries had to accumulate dollars beforehand, thus becoming subordinate to the Empire.


The European counter-measure was the surge in excise duties on petroleum products easily explained at the time by the higher European level of competitiveness and productivity – or in contemporary terms in energy intensity. Just think of the 4-cylinder engines compared to the 6 or 8-cylinder engines of the American cars of the time. This strategic choice made sense then but it is no longer the case today, if only because the revenue from excise taxes vanishes into billions of useless exemptions and tax expenditures for capital, while at the time they served within the framework of State economic regulation.

“According to data from the oil union in 2007, tax revenues from oil products were over 35 billion (24.7 from excise duties and 10.5 from VAT).” . In Italy, the tax expenditures are estimated at around 80 billion euros but in reality going back over time – once they are given away they nicely fall below the radar of the budget and of the media … – this a-constitutional regressive taxation costs us around 300/350 billion a year.

However it would be more rational to abolish 25 billion of excise duties on oil products for industries, thus structurally lowering the cost of production – not to be confused with the cost of labor alone – and for small cars in order to increase the mobility and purchasing power of the less wealthy households. The operation would have a zero cost by cutting the same amount in the most useless tax expenditures. All tax experts are aware of the tax paradox according to which there is a tendency to multiply direct or indirect subsidies – tax expenditures – in an increasingly targeted manner, thus rapidly achieving diminishing returns. Today we need to change the production cost structure without weakening domestic consumption. The IPCC’s nonsense about CO2 and fossil fuels is useless, instead filters and performing exhaust pipes to European standards are needed in the framework of an active re-industrialization policy.

14 D) It is claimed that the reduction of the global ecological footprint is necessary because «There is no spare Planet B». It is a grotesque simplism designed only to manipulate good people. It was invented by the Club of Rome following in the footsteps of the secret document of the American Establishment disclosed with a preface written by the great economist John Galbraith and entitled Report from the Iron Mountain. (11) The argument was so trivially Malthusian that it elicited a response from Cambridge University. In reality, resources are not limited, at least not in the near future. The oil supply is not in danger, Peak Oil was a joke now forgotten and set aside. The undersea is filled with raw materials including concentrated metal nodules. Above all – refer back to my concept of ecomarxism – modern technology makes it possible to recycle the resources already used by conceptualizing the “life cycle” of products coherently upstream and downstream (for example, almost all of a car is recyclable.) The raw materials can often be renewed: for example, liquefied coal or algae can be used to produce oil equivalent. Finally, when a scarce fossil resource not likely to be replaced is necessary for specific uses, it can very well be replaced for all other uses with natural or artificial raw materials, available or producible in industrial quantities. As rightly denounced by the Gilets Jaunes, this type of neoliberal ecology amounts to a real attack on the standard of living of the masses in favor of the already grotesque 10% and indeed 1% richer. They are telling us about the end of the World when an increasing number of citizens finds it difficult to reach the end of the month.

14 E) Is the Green economy creating jobs? The socio-economic principle remains the one verified with many ICT technologies. The replacement of old sectors – for example the replacement of an Olivetti electronic typewriter with a PC and a printer – or the introduction of new sectors and new forms of work organization are often capital intensive, that is they « free » an increasing portion of the labor force that can no longer be absorbed full-time elsewhere. This trend will accelerate with the massification of robots and AI. But, for the alleged green economy, which usually refers to intermittent energies, these net job creation claims are tragically false. In 2015 it was estimated that the EU had already squandered over 1000 billion euros to subsidize intermittent energy which represents only 3% of the total. (12) The same source illustrates the already proven lack of competitiveness of the sector by pointing to the bankruptcy of various companies largely dependent on the subsidies. For years, I have been insisting on the over-cost of intermittent energy production: without subsidies these sources would not remain on the market. As the electricity bills indicate, the cost of intermittency is entirely transferred to the distribution networks therefore to the consumer cum citizen. In reality, these renewables have served as an excuse to privatize public production and distribution networks, favoring a class of highly vulnerable and therefore politically poudjadist parasitic entrepreneurs. The fiscal unfairness was extended by favoring the richest households capable of deducting private installation costs from their personal income tax, while a large part of our citizens earn too little to contribute the level of personal income tax necessary to guarantee the profitability of these deductions. If this were not enough, that fact is that Italy pays the kWh of electricity 1/3 more than the neighboring countries, and it is no longer able to guarantee long-term electricity supplies, for example to allow the maintenance of the aluminum industry in Sardinia. The availability and cost of energy is one of the major factors in economic localization. (13)

In summary, taking into account the other sectors such as construction and agriculture, the European Commission estimated the number of jobs related to eco-industries at 3.4 million in 2012 out of 216.1 employees according to Eurostat. The Commission estimates “a potential to create or maintain 2 million green jobs by 2020 while the development of renewable energies could generate 3 million jobs in the same period” ; however Eurostat is not telling us the replacement cost incurred in the transition, both in financial and job terms. (14)

14F) Neoliberal ecology as a pretext for the introduction of technological barriers and regulations that are difficult to overcome for emerging countries subjected to asymmetric free trade. It is not just a question of the ludicrous carbon tax imposed on the pretext of the useless journey, estimated in oil equivalent, of goods around the world before their final use. True, the “slow food” movement can contribute to preserving the territories and the quality of food. But these measures are not worth much if the current definition of anti-dumping sanctioned by all free-trade treaties and by the WTO is not questioned. This is valid for the agricultural sector. This definition creates a global competition downwards as it discards the whole part of the gross salary above  the individual net salary from the calculation, thus eliminating the « deferred salary» – old age pension, UI etc –   and the taxes necessary to finance social services and public infrastructures. With the support of the presumed international tribunals – i.e. private courts – it also discards any reference to environmental regulations, even minimal or related to the precautionary principle. Therefore, it will be difficult to re-industrialize or develop a policy of “food sovereignty” without changing this definition (See “Appeal” in )

We have already denounced the mercantile logic of the Montreal Protocol above. The same logic informs the various COP agreements. With even more disastrous results than green certificates. Thus in Copenhagen 2009, to obtain the adhesion of the emerging countries, the creation of a Green Climate Fund of US $ 100 billion was promised in compensation. To date, the promised funds announced are a mere 10.2 billion !! (15) We must not be surprised, just remember the generous proposal made by the Bolivarian President R. Correa: in an exemplary ecological spirit, he had agreed to renounce the exploitation of the oil reserves available in the Yasuni Park against a promised compensation of 3.6 billion dollars. Since in 2012 only 200 million were promised, President Correa drew the only possible conclusion: that is, to develop the reserves of Yasuni in order to contribute to the necessary socio-economic development of his country, while respecting rigorous environmental criteria devised  at the national level. (16)

14 G) The green certificates were denounced since their creation as certificates to pollute. At the same time, it was asked to favor the transfer of the green technologies necessary to the emerging countries … without great success, obviously. During the presidency of François Mitterrand  when the new revolutions in telecommunications, biology, genetics etc were being unleashed – including the manipulations of  living organisms or GMOs – it was proposed to prevent patents on living organism and to deposit all patents to the UNESCO given that science and research, like natural and living organisms, are the heritage of the entire Humanity. But this is not part of the IPCC’s green speculative capitalist agenda. As we all know, patents, standards and norms are among the most powerful invisible trade barriers …

15) Why transform fossil energies into a scapegoat for this speculative market environmentalism?

15 a) From the point of view of energy consumption it is not plausible because renewable sources do not allow to meet national and planetary needs. Solar plus wind power account for 3.4% in the United States, 5.8% in Europe and 2.9% in China. (See Figures 23, 24, 25, in , pp 32, 33) It is unthinkable to leave fossil sources in the ground, it is not even thinkable in the medium and long term, let it be for the next 12 or 22 years set by the IPCC counterfeiters.

15 b) From the point of view of the cost of producing electricity, the more renewable sources installed, the higher the cost of kWh. Thus France gets along paying around 16 cents per kWh, while Italy pays around 25 cents and Germany pays around 30 cents. (Idem, Figure 27, p 34) These costs negatively affect the purchasing power of the households and the production costs of the industry. (17) For example, Sardinia lost its aluminum industry because Italy could not guarantee the safe and competitive supply of the necessary electricity. Aluminum is a highly recyclable material. Solar and wind power are intermittent sources of production. The cost of intermittency is transferred entirely by private producers, who are heavily subsidized, to distribution networks and therefore to consumers. As usual, it’s the proverbial Pantalone who pays. If you have any doubts just look at your bill. But that’s not all, these huge State aids to so-called green entrepreneurs are surreptitiously used to privatize and deregulate public production and distribution networks. As if this were not enough, this rampant privatization is still subsidized  by the personal income tax credits for the households who can afford it, i.e. the middle and higher classes. The vast majority of workers do not receive a salary high enough to pay the income tax necessary to make the individual installation fiscally and economically viable. It is nothing other than a nefarious a-constitutional clientelism on par with the infamous Renzi-Gutgeld 80 euros in pay slips from which those who would most need it are excluded. In 2016, the Italy of the heavily subsidized renewable energy sources, imported 8.15 Mtoe, that is 13% of the total gross electricity supply (see ) The imports came mostly from Switzerland, France and Slovenia etc … countries with a strong nuclear sector.

15 c) From the point of view of the ecological balance, the construction, installation and recycling of solar and wind panels are not positive. They require a lot of rare earths whose production requires a lot of energy and water with the added cost of import. (China has almost the monopoly of rare earths.) Batteries have the same types of problems and are difficult to recycle. Focusing largely on renewables, the problems associated with them are increased: subsidized privatization, transfer to the taxpayer of the cost of intermittent management, disregard of the landscape in a country like Italy that holds 1/3 of the World’s archaeological and artistic heritage, recycling problems, impact on wildlife, health problems, e.g. wind power emits harmful waves at various distances, etc.

15 d) Since the 1973 Middle East War, the United States has replaced the Gold-Dollar Standard of the Bretton Woods regime  with the Petro-Dollar Standard. International trade in raw materials and oil is mainly conducted in US dollars, thus restoring its hegemony. In fact, to buy them the various countries must accumulate American dollars. Today, various States are trying to get out of this system of domination: the weakest have been and still are attacked, such as Iraq and Venezuela, others, for example, Russia and China – which has established an oil and raw material exchange in renminbi – are victims of heavy penalties. The United States is no longer able to reverse this decline but it is trying to slow it. Therefore, the American Establishment imagined the rehabilitation of the strategy of fear, in particular by exploiting climate ignorance, to prepare the “return” to a society of new slavery and new domesticity. Today it has decided to repudiate the agreements wanted by the IPCC although it has reduced its own CO2 emissions more than the EU. (18) In fact, without inept demagogy against fossil resources or against nuclear power, the United States seeks to position itself on new pro-environmental technologies that make more or less sense, for example the electric car. With their historic pragmatism, the United States will not sacrifice their productivity to the climatological nonsense of the IPCC; instead, when they are ready they will try to repeat the maneuver of the Montreal Protocol. In any case, without the participation of the United States, the silly war on fossil fuels does not have the slightest chance.

16) Ever since the Report on the limits of development (1972) written by the Club of Rome ( ) it is claimed that resources are limited in a finite World. The leitmotiv is: “There is no replacement Planet”. This concept is absurd because it denies the whole story of Man’s adaptation to Nature and to Society. After all Man belongs to an intelligent Species whose adaptation methods and speed does not solely rely on instincts. This false evidence was visually credited with the publication during those years of endearing satellite photos of our Planet that looked like a Blue balloon in dark space. In Point (14 D) above we have already dismantled the methodological ineptitude of the Club of Rome and its regressive character. This program was confirmed in the same years by Samuel Huntington’s Trilateral Report. This is the same theorist who came up with the Strategic hamlets in Guatemala and Vietnam and then with the “shock of civilizations” accompanied by the illegal preventive wars initially against 66 Muslim countries, to be conducted according to the advice of Dershowitz with the use of torture under medical control (sic!) inspired by Israeli practices. Surreptitiously following in the footsteps of the  Report from the Iron Mountain , this Trilateral report theorized the need to put an end to the “rising expectations” of the workers and of the mass of citizens, the “return” against the democratization of education to “deference towards authority” – that is, self-conferred and over-represented authority – and the control of « authorized communication flows », i.e, the soft rehabilitation of the old Index of the Inquisition. The inventor of the green certificates – which I immediately renamed “certificates to pollute” – Maurice Strong, later involved in serious judicial matters, used the same Malthusian climate-reactionary language (see “Les mensonges sur le climat (1)” in  (at 1:04:00 mn .)

On the economic level I have already said elsewhere that the origin of these regressions lies in the works of the Jewish-Austrian fascist von Mises, the adviser to the fascist Chancellor before his escape after the Anschluss. In spite of everything, this grotesque and real philo-Semite Nietzschean never changed his mind and in the end inspired the Reaganite reaction, that of the Chicago Boys and that of Trump’s most reactionary and racist advisors. Von Mises had been obsessed with all forms of regulation and planning ever since the German war capitalist planning of 14-18 had shown its incomparable superiority to the “invisible hand” of capitalist liberalism. The same happened with US WWII planning and its Office of Price Administration together with the One Dollar a Day Mangers. (see ) During the war, the mobilization of resources cannot tolerate the waste naturally associated with the invisible hand of the “market”. For example, in his book entitled Socialism, in addition to defending various eugenist ideas, he does not hesitate to say that public hospitals actually create sickness, otherwise health problems would remain a matter of Will – and, presumably, of access to private hospitals, a model towards which the neoliberal monetarists are dragging us today volens nolens. (19) It is not only the half billion Dalits in India, with an average life expectancy of 40-42 years, who has no luxury to being sick, we also know that in Italy over 11 million of our compatriots give up medical care for economic reasons. (20) The situation is far worse in the US. Before Thatcher imported the private dysfunctional American Health-Care System, the British were proud of their public National Health System inspired by Lord Beveridge’s Social fundamental rights . Aside from Corbyn and his comrades, I wonder how the Westminster crew feels when looking at a movie like Where does it hurt? in   (See also « THE BODY ECONOMIC: why austerity kills, by David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu, HarperCollins Publishers LTD, 2013. A critical review. » in the Critiques de livres-Book reviews Section of my old Jurasic site )

17) Get out of nuclear power? It is already the case in Italy, but contrary to what one may think, not yet in Germany. During the Kyoto Summit in 1997, France made a good impression thanks to the substantial part of nuclear energy in its energetic bouquet. The only other country to present an exemplary ecological footprint was Fidel Castro’s egalitarian Cuba, though it was still struggling with the peacetime transition caused by the internal dismantling of the Soviet Union. Just when Germany was preparing to relaunch its nuclear sector, the Fukushima tragedy stroke, on March 11, 2011. The cause was not directly from the nuclear installations that resisted a 10-degree Richter tsunami. In fact, the reactor had been scheduled for closure 5 years before but, as it was already depreciated for some time, keeping it alive meant very high dividends for the stockholders. Furthermore, to save on operating costs, the core of the reactor involved zirconium, a less expensive metal than possible other available substitutes but one known to react at high temperatures creating hydrogen. Without the hydrogen explosions, Fukushima would have remained a mere accident confined to the plant itself despite the exceptional power of the tsunami. We add that the experts spent a long time before saturating the hydrogen with nitrogen. It seems a paradoxical statement but nuclear energy remains a clean, safe and renewable energy production sector. Neoliberal capitalism kills.

In Italy, the exit from nuclear power was sanctioned by a referendum. It concerned the type of nuclear reactors developed in the 40s and 50s in the USA for specific military purposes – propulsion of submarines and production of plutonium for the A Bomb. At that time there already existed the civil alternative of molten salt reactors, a safe, totally civil sector which does not produce much radioactive waste but instead allows it to be recycled. (see ) In my opinion, this sector does not enter the framework of the referendum. Today, Italy spends billions every year to manage existing nuclear waste, that is, keeping it in storage … However, an informed debate is now needed on the issue, if only because this civil sector is less harmful from all points of view than other renewable sources. The latter perhaps have a role in the national energy bouquet, for example in the less accessible areas or on the islands or in conjunction with the addition of adjuvant to Guy Nègre’s compressed air engine: compressed air, like the two-level hydrological installation , is the best means of storage and use of intermittent energy sources. In addition, biofuels or adjuvants compatible with the preservation of agricultural land, such as rapeseed which produces biofuels plus quality feed for animals, would help to stabilize the incomes of small farmers and breeders, such as Sardinian shepherds.

18) The precautionary principle. Certain scientists not so inclined to accept a-scientific narratives like those enrolled by the IPCC become curiously very restless with respect to the precautionary principle. Perhaps they fear, wrongly as demonstrated by Jacques Testart, the participation of citizens’ committees in the formulation of protocols and norms. But if one considers that there is a distinction between research protocols and industrial or health protocols, we immediately see that the feared precautionary principle is already widely in use even if these applications deserve to be updated. For example, the free-trade treaties have raised the question of the difference between the medical and health protocols practiced in the United States, often under the incestuous control of the industries, and of the European protocols so far a little bit more rigorous. It is realized little by little that the chemical inter-reactions of the various products needed for daily use, and currently individually tested, are little known so that the domestic space is often more polluted than the external space and atmosphere. Similarly, one begins to understand the danger of ingesting certain medicines together with grapefruits, etc. Upstream, they concern agricultural practices – for example the use of pesticides – and the understanding of phenomena such as bee mortality, bees being essential pollinators. Urban and agricultural zoning, in particular the Seveso Zones, etc., should be strengthened, but Italy is now a country without any planning, including at the level of the territorial plans that should instead constitute the backbone of  environmentally compatible socio-economic development, at the regional and local levels. These are serious and strategic concerns, far removed from the silly alleged climate changes.

19) Ecomarxism. The theory of ecomarxism is based on the resolution of the problem of absolute and relative rent, that is, the problem of the coherent introduction of the productivity of the micro-economic production function in the Equations of Simple and Enlarged Reproduction, i.e. of the stationary and dynamic economic equilibria, taking into account the assumption of Marx, according to which Man must harmoniously reproduce himself as a Species within Nature and Society. Even the Marginalist Léon Walras felt compelled to admit that scarcity is socially produced. The necessary taxes for the recycling of products and for the decommissioning of old plants are vital for the development of an authentic under-lying ecomarxist policy on a large scale: that is, complete recycling based on the preventive planning of new product life cycles, reproduction of the raw materials and resources needed, in a natural or artificial way, as well as the development of massifiable substitutes whenever the scarce natural resources are necessary for other specific uses. (21)

20) The donkish utterances of the IPCC. (Giordano Bruno was wont to denounce the « asinate e pedanterie » of many of his contemporary « scientists ».)  Here is a small bundle. CO2 pollutes, while it is essential for photosynthesis; in effect the more CO2 there is, the less water the plants consume! Only 12 years remain to reverse the catastrophic warming trend of the Planet. In fact, today the temperature is warmer but does not reach any record. The hottest year in the 20th century, at least in the United States, was 1933, the year of the Great Depression and the subject of Steinbeck’s masterpiece  The Grapes of Wrath, (1939). Steinbeck also wrote interesting pieces on the sort of the sharecroppers but he blamed socio-economic and property factors, not the climate. Eventually, the New Dealers came up with the crucial concept of Ever Green Granary to stabilise a naturally seasonal sector, a concept which is now substituted by the catastrophic speculative derivatives on the trading of agricultural futures.

Figure 6bis in , p 11, is crucial because it also demonstrates the grotesque discrepancy between the observed temperatures and the IPCC model data. Fortunately, all the IPCC forecasts are false: “December 14, 2008 – 10 years ago – Al Gore, former vice president and former US presidential candidate declared that the Arctic ice cap would completely disappear within 5 years.” Now we witness an extension of the Arctic ice and above all of the Antarctic ice cap, even if these are cycles that change over time. (see , p 21) Polar bears are supposedly dying, while in reality today their number is superior than before . (idem, Figure 18, p 24) Hurricanes are more violent and more numerous, a proven falsehood (idem, Figures 13 and 14, pp 16 and 17). Global warming causes the acidification of the Oceans due to alleged CO2 storage, while the warmer Oceans emit CO2. The coldest parts of the Oceans absorb CO2 and, as you might expect, these are the areas richest in plankton, which is one of the main building block of the maritime food chain. Pollution with plastic and microplastics are much more serious matters. The warming due to the CO2 would cause the bleaching of the corals, while in reality this phenomenon connected with phenomena such as El Nino occurs in spots; we also know that the coral reefs thrive in the warm waters of the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and of the Gulf of Mexico. ( , p 27) The heating due to CO2 would cause a catastrophic rise of the sea level causing in turn the flooding of the coasts while « the value of the acceleration (0.097 mm / year2) means that the global sea level is growing by about one tenth of a millimeter per year0. » ( Idem p, 7) However, this does not mean that certain coasts are not eaten up by the sea while others expand , but these phenomena refer to other causes, for example the modification of river flows, the cementing of the coasts etc. American Civil Engineers know quite well that the slow sinking of parts of Louisiana’s coast has nothing to do with global warming. The restoration of the river mouths and of the sea around the Mont St Michel that occurred after accurate simulations is an example that deserves attention as well as the attempt to restore the vegetation and colors of the Montagne Sainte Victoire dear to Paul Sézanne … And what about the alleged migration due to climate change while the Sahel desert recedes… – but this imputation to the climate is very convenient because it allows us to keep quiet about the real causes, namely preventive wars, regime change and neo-colonialism? The same applies to South and Central America. (See the “Migration” Category on this same site.)

Environmental disasters, such as droughts and floods, would be due to anthropogenic climate changes. In fact, all elementary school students know that some time ago there were mammoths in the Arctic, vegetation in the Sahel – today it seems that it is gradually returning … They also know that the Vikings of Erik the Red had colonized part of the verdant « Greenland » today under the ice cap, and so on. The fortunately contained flood of Paris in June 2016 refers to a cyclical phenomenon experienced in a more dramatic fashion  in 1910: but it also demonstrates how the planning of the infrastructures on the territory and not the harmful gargle on global warming made the difference. The same is true, for instance , for smog which years ago poisoned the life of city dwellers in Los Angeles and today in Paris and Beijing etc. Of course, CO2 has nothing to do with this phenomenon which depends on other greenhouse gases. What made the difference was the introduction of transport vehicle exhaust pipes and the delocalisation of the most polluting industries away from population centers, a lesson quickly understood by the Chinese authorities. We know that on average workers die 7 years – and in some industries even earlier – than their managers. Workers unloading trucks often develop certain forms of leukemia, etc. In addition to the tens of thousands of more or less serious injuries, death in the workplace, one of the most tragic aspects of the environmental conditions at work, takes over 3 workers a day – 1260 in 2007 in Italy  . But if the number of inspectors increases, the number of available vehicles decreases … All this has nothing to do with CO2, but in part with the other pollutants that are not mentioned because of this new “preventive war” – equally philo-Semite Nietzschean –  which the IPCC declared against CO2, now established as the new environmental original sin. Meanwhile, if renewable sources are preferred, even where they make the most sense, for example, solar power in Australia, the danger of blackouts linked to their intermittency is not eliminated. Even with the so-called smart grids, which are said to be « smart » only because they surreptitiously push for privatization. (22) Few people know that at the beginning of 2019 Europe escaped a general cut in electricity thanks to the timely intervention of the French authorities luckily equipped with a large nuclear park. (23)

21) Real socio-economic and environmental emergencies. To make a long story short, I refer here to my articles:

A ) “Credito, debito pubblico, tagli e golpe costituzionale “ in

B) « Mobilità, trasporti, cattive strade e privatizzazioni »  ;

C ) « Défi aux écologistes, au GIEC et à tous les apôtres du réchauffement climatique » (14 July 2007) in the Commentary Section of my old site

Italy is not only the Land of the Terra dei fuochi in Campania, you know the « clean Brescia and dirty Naples » of Gomorrean memory, it is also the country of the many « terre dei fuochi » and of the generalized instability of a now abandoned territory; it is the country collapsing bridges and infrastructures – all great useful works notwithstanding some strange militants’ mental confusion on the subject whose realisation seems to be indefinitely and tragically postponed. This pitiful state of affairs is not due to the warming “caused” by CO2, but rather to a parasitic and destructive capitalist system, to say the least a  philo-Semite Nietzschean and Spinellian system at its core. In the first article mentioned above I listed some major problems in Calabria, but the same thing now occurs everywhere including in the North and in Genoa. From landfills, purifiers, school buildings, etc., etc., not forgetting the institutions themselves, nothing works anymore. The country is struggling to produce new wealth but, with so much corruption and different mafias, it concentrates mainly on transferring the residual public resources into private pockets. Here is a paragraph of this article that was cut out to shorten the text to fit the available space: «All this disorder in the management of the res public has a cost. For example, according to Luca Pagni (in : “Italy has already suffered two infringement procedures by the European Union which announced in December that it had imposed a  fine of 62.7 million euros to Italy , to which will be added 346 thousand euros for each day until the irregularities are remedied. “The Extraordinary Commissioner has 1.6 billion euros at disposal to tackle the situation. According to his estimates, it will take around 5 years to redress the situation, bringing the fines to a total of over € 500 million. ”

If this general collapse was due to global warming, perhaps there would be some hope – see Emile Durkheim’s analysis of the sirocco. But we all know that CO2 has nothing to do with anything. Taking notes of the levitated costs of the Moses dike and of the corruption, Margot sang “How sad Venice is, and I really fear that in the near future it will be even more sad” (24) If the Left, reduced to thinking with its feet, joins the ” climate marches ” of the IPCC without putting the real environmental problems on its flags and on its banners, then we will conclude that Italy is really messed up. It almost makes me think of the patient “ideological cleansing” and the long repression of the faithful followers of Joachim of Fiore whose secularization of the Spirit in History was immediately replaced with soothing and reactionary narratives. These were necessary for the preservation of the status quo with the help of two of our local Francis, among which one Calabrese, in order to keep the poverelli, poverelli ad vitam eternam. (25) A process which then led to the Counter-Reformation and to the Inquisition … then fortunately reversed by the secular and republican revolutions. Thomas Paine’s essential Rights of Man remains a needed antidote against obscurantism, now just like yesterday. Paul De Marco. 14-18 March 2019


1) “Al Gore’s Home Energy Use” ; “Nicolas Hulot, un ministre de l’Ecologie qui possède six voitures (pas toutes propres)”, Outre ses six voitures, the ministre possède un bateau, a scooter électrique et une moto.

2) “L’empreinte écologique à l’épreuve des inégalités”, February 23, 2017

3 ) « Brevi appunti su Gioacchino da Fiore pitagorico », presentati alla Conferenza organizzata dall’Associazione culturale Gunesh, il 27 agosto 2016 , nella Sezione Italia del mio vecchio sito

4 ) Vedi . Vedi pure « Grève du climat : un appel aux étudiants, lycéens et collégiens » 12 mars 2019 / Association des climato-réalistes par Benoît Rittaud, e « A propos de la « grève scolaire mondiale » pour le climat », 14 mars 2019 / Association des climato-réalistes

5 ) « La sidérurgie façonne encore le marché du carbone à son avantage »Par Jérôme Cristiani, 04/11/2018,

6) First one should check the soundness of the temperature and CO2 data – coring and atmospheric data. Second, the same time scale should be used in order to be able to verify the role of feedbacks, for example astronomical cycles, the solar cycle, terrestrial tectonics, the Coriolis force, predominant winds and sea currents, the role of vegetation, of the oceans, of the permafrost etc. On longer scales, one should also investigate the probably related appearance of water and CO2, in addition to the radiative forcing …

7) For food sovereignty and ecomarxism see the Introduction and the Appendix of my Book III entitled Keynesianism, Marxism, Economic Stability and Growth, 2005, Section Livres-Books of . For the critique of the monetarist « food security» see «Agribusiness and speculation » in The Treasury and Fed,

8 ) Per le allocazioni gratuite della UE : « At the beginning of the current trading period, manufacturing industry received 80% of its allowances for free. This proportion will decrease gradually each year to 30% in 2020.

Power generators since 2013 in principle do not receive any free allowances, but have to buy them. However, some free allowances are available to modernize the power sector in some Member States. Airlines continue to receive the large majority of their allowances for free in the period 2013-2020. » in .Vedi pure:

« La sidérurgie façonne encore le marché du carbone à son avantage » Par Jérôme Cristiani, 04/11/2018, Per la Borsa verde vedi:

9 )Vedi: . Per l’OSCE vedi

10 ) Vedi

11) Since the courageous publication by the great economist and theoretician of socio-economic counterweights, John Galbraith, this Report , which reveals the cynical “longer view” of the Establishment, aroused much embarrassment. This is due to its clarity, for example in proposing the reintroduction of a new slavery and a new domesticity to absorb the work force « freed » from the secular growth of productivity. For example, it inspired Zbignew Brzezinski’s Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (1970). Today, in order to prevent the Report from being released, various pitres claim that it was only a joke, a prank, but nevertheless the copyrights are attributed while it should already be in the public domain as well as all the studies mentioned by the Report and paid out by the public money. Manipulating the fear of the masses in order to subjugate and dominate them, including with the use of climate narratives, is one of the central theses of this “joke” imagined by the Establishment.

12) See at 50:23 mn of the video «5-6. Istvan Marko: pourquoi la théorie du réchauffement climatique doit nous faire rire »

13) «Fig.27: Energy cost in Europe according to the installed capacity of renewables. The United States is entered for comparison. This graph tells us that the greater the number of renewables, the higher the cost of energy. France has a relatively low cost because it has many nuclear power plants. “In” I am a climate skeptic. Yes, but why? »Franco Zavatti in p, 34. See also:

14 ) (employment 216.1 million in 2012 )

15) “Accord de Paris: COP24 approche et l’équation du financement reste insoluble” COP24, qui se tiendra en Pologne en décembre 2018, sera décisive pour l’avenir de la planète. C’est la que doivent être formalisées les règles d’application de l’Accord de Paris signé en 2015. Mais à quelques semaines du sommet, the crucial question of financement promis par les pays riches aux moins nantis pour faire face au réchauffement climatique est loin de faire consensus. . Vedi pure Green climate fund » e « TOTAL AMOUNTS ANNOUNCED AND SIGNED 10.2 BILLION – FAR FOR THE 100 !!!- SEE: .

16) For the Yasuni, see  (3.6 billion but by 2012 only 200 millions were pledeged. President Correa then announced a change in policy.

17) For the distinction between purchasing power and living standards see:

18 ) Vedi « Boom del solare e “sboom” del carbone negli Stati Uniti », Alessandro Codegoni

19) See von Mises Socialism , pp 475-476 etc.

20 ) « Censis: 11 milioni di italiani hanno rinunciato alle cure. Pesano le liste d’attesa », in .Vedi pure « La Sanità tra tagli e corruzione: una vittima eccellente del federalismo fiscale », in

21 ) For the Ecomarxism theory see the ‘Introduction and the Appendice of my Book III entitled Keynesianism, Marxism, Economic Stability and Growth, 2005, freely accessible in Download Now in the Livres-Books Section of my old site

22) “The lesson of Canberra: in Australia elections are played on the climate ground” For the first time in a large Western country the issue of climate change is at the forefront of voter concerns. And it clearly divides the right and left sides of MAURIZIO RICCI 09 March 2019

23) «L’Europe a évité de justesse la coupure généralisée d’électricité» Publié le 17.01.2019 par La rédaction

24) See , see also the beautiful song “On the path of inequality” inspired by JJ Rousseau. 25) See the essays on Gioacchino in the Italia Section at


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